Data privacy notice - Newsletters

The University of Oulu sends several newsletters. This data privacy notice describes what data about the recipients of newsletters is stored and how this data is processed.

Data privacy notice

Data controller

University of Oulu
Pentti Kaiterankatu 1
P. O. Box 8000, 90014 Oulu

Unit in charge of the processing
University of Oulu, Communications, marketing and public affairs
Communications Director Marja Jokinen, e-mail address: viestinta(at)

University of Oulu, Innovation Centre
Director Jouko Uusitalo, e-mail address:

University Data Protection Officer: dpo(at)

Purpose of processing personal data and legal basis for processing personal data

Personal data is used in managing the processing of the newsletters of the University of Oulu and in delivering the newsletters.

The University of Oulu fulfils the statutory task provided for in Section 2 of the Universities Act, based on the public interest, when it engages in research, teaching and social interaction. According to Section 20 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities, the university must promote the openness of its activities and see to it that the information that is essential to the general public’s access to information is available.

Thus, you can receive newsletters either because you have subscribed to the newsletter yourself or you receive them based on your status as a donor or alumnus or your position in working in an organisation.

Your personal data may be provided by separate personnel register for University of Oulu alumni, donors, and other stakeholders to the newsletter register. More information on stakeholders register personal data and personal data processing in separate data protection notice for University of Oulu stakeholders.

Personal data to be processed

We handle the following personal data:

  • E-mail addresses supplied by subscribers to the newsletter
  • E-mail addresses supplied from the alumni, stakeholder, and fundraising registers of the University of Oulu
  • For certain newsletters, first name and last name information reported by subscribers may also be collected.
  • The newsletter services used by the university collect and store information about the openings and clicks of the newsletters, thus this information can also be processed.

Recipients or categories of recipients of personal data

The University of Oulu sends newsletters through two separate systems. Your personal data is located in Liana Technologies' system or the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Relationships Management system.The right to use your personal data is limited to those persons at the University of Oulu whose work requires it. In addition, the service providers Liana Technologies, Digia and Elisa have access to data of the system they are providers for technical maintenance purposes.

Data transfers

Personal data is not passed on to third parties or outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.

Principles of protection of personal data during processing and the retention period

The right to process your personal data is limited to those persons whose work requires it. The processing requires identification.

Personal data is kept in the service for the present or as long as the data subject asks for the removal of their personal data. Data can also be deleted due to the end of the customer relationship. Unsubscribing newsletter does not lead to the final deletion of personal data from the system.

Data subject rights

You have the following rights as a data subject:

  • Right to access your personal data
  • Right to rectify incorrect information
  • Right to have your data erased ("right to be forgotten")
  • Right to restrict the processing of your data
  • Right to object the processing of your data

Please note that the applicability and scope of the above-mentioned rights will be specified on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and that you do not have the above-mentioned rights in all cases.

If you have any questions about your rights, you can communicate with the University's Data Privacy Officer or the contact person of the responsible unit.

If you want to use the above-mentioned rights, please send a request to the University’s registry office: kirjaamo(at), where you will get the necessary additional instructions.

Right of appeal to the supervisory authority

In addition to the rights mentioned above, you have the right to file a complaint about the processing of your personal data with the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman as the supervisory authority. The contact details and opening hours can be found on the website of the Data Protection Ombudsman.