Traineeship gives you competencies

During traineeship you will create networks in working life and gain professional experience. You will learn working life skills, and get new perspectives on your studies and career orientation. The traineeship can also lead to your future job. Therefore, you should carefully prepare yourself to traineeship.

Experience through traineeship

It is a good idea to think and structure your competencies even before the training period. For example, the career stories on Töissä.fi can help you structure your skills. Töissä.fi is a nationwide website for university students, which contains information on the employment of graduates.

Support for traineeship

The University of Oulu supports degree-students´ traineeship. The traineeship support is paid either directly to the student as a personal scholarship (traineeship abroad) or as a financial compensation to the employer who pays the student's salary (traineeship in Finland).

Good to know

Traineeship Contact Persons

Education Designer at the Faculty Service Team informs students on traineeship issues, gives advice and helps to fill the traineeship support application in SoleMove –system.