Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit
The unit strongly contributes to teaching by providing majority of physics education outcome at the University of Oulu and radiation safety training. In addition, the unit is involved in education about climate change through the Climate University project and collaboration with high schools.
The research is supported by European Union ERC and Horizon2020 programs, Academy of Finland, China Scholarship council and various domestic and international foundations and funds.

NANOMO Research Unit is strategically focusing on three core pillars: Advanced Characterization, Hydrogen and Energy, and Quantum Materials and Computing. The overarching objective is to be a pioneer in Physics and Materials for the Green and Digital Transition. The strategy prioritizes interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and international collaboration and open communication. NANOMO is committed to fostering a culture of coherent knowledge sharing, with cross-pillar discussions enhancing internal and external collaboration. Positioned as a dynamic and globally impactful research collective, NANOMO is dedicated to advancing science and contributing to the transition toward a sustainable future.
Aerosols & Climate
By means of experimental, theoretical, computational and Machine learning methods we aim to provide more understanding on how aerosol particles affect air quality and climate.
Ab initio modeling | Theoretical physics
Theoretical physics
Functional Materials
The functional materials research in NANOMO is dedicated to designs and functionalization of novel nano-materials ranging from inorganic layered crystals and synthetic semiconductors to bionic polymers.
Clusters and Nanoparticles
Clusters and nanoparticles
Biomedical Physics
Biomedical Physics
Theory of Atomic and Molecular Physics | Physics Didactics
Theory of Atomic and Molecular Physics | Physics Didactics
Synchrotron Radiation and Applications
NANOMO unit is a key site on SR based research in Finland and provides expertise in multidisciplinary areas to benefit the advanced characterization possibilities at SR facilities. Unit coordinates Finnish national participation in the MAX IV facility and
This website provides information of the I4Future doctoral programme - Imaging for the Future: Novel Imaging and Characterization Methods in Bio, Medical and Environmental Research and Technology Innovations.
FIMAX is a consortium of Finnish Universities and research organizations with a valid collaboration agreement with MAX IV Laboratory. Within the framework of this contract, FIMAX contributes to MAX IV Laboratory by providing expertise, support, equipment, personnel and operation funds. FIMAX partnership with MAX IV Laboratory is mainly funded by Academy of Finland.
In return MAX IV Laboratory gives FIMAX the possibility of placing their staff and equipment at the facility, as well as Guaranted Access Time (GAT). GAT is based on the financial contribution equivalent (staff, equipment, funding) in the contract and is calculated annually.
All members of FIMAX are eligible (and encouraged) to have their beamtime proposals considered for GAT. The basis for GAT allocation is set by FIMAX Steering Group and the scientific quality of the proposals are evaluated in the MAX IV Laboratory PACs. The deadlines and decision dates are the same as for the PAC review of MAX IV Laboratory.
Through professor Marko Huttula, FIMAX is also a participant in the LEAPS (The League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources) General Assembly.
- Marko Huttula (
- Samuli Urpelainen (
Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit has research infrastructure for studying electronic properties of matter in all forms.
NANOMO staff provides a number of courses at all levels within the physics degree program. The unit especially gives teaching in the following specializations
- Molecular and materials physics
- Biomedical physics
- Theoretical physics
For more information click the course names or see the study guides provided in Weboodi.