Welcome to the 18th Nordic Process Control Workshop!
Welcome to the University of Oulu!
Welcome to Oulu, the capital of Northern Finland!The Workshop provides an excellent possibility for academics, postdoctoral, PhD researchers and industrialist to discuss the progress of advanced process control and bond connection between academy and industry.
The program starts with a two-day Tutorial on 20-21 August, 2013: Simple realizable predictive control algorithms with focus on PFC (Predictive Functional Control) given by Prof. Dr. Robert Haber, Cologne University of Applied Sciences.
The scientific contributions of the 18th NPC Workshop will be presented on 22-23 August, 2013. The main focus of the scientific meeting is on process-modeling, -simulation, - optimization and -control. The University of Oulu will host the Workshop.
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate on the Workshop.
See you soon in Oulu,
Jenő Kovács
Laura Niva
Matias Hultgren
Enso Ikonen