- 128
Waris E, Konttinen YT, Ashammakhi N, Suuronen R, Santavirta S. Bioabsorbable fixation devices in trauma and bone surgery: current clinical standing. Expert Rev Medical Devices 2004;1(2):229–240.
- 127
Asikainen AJ, Noponen J, Mesimäki K, Laitinen O, Peltola J, Pelto M, Kellomäki M, Ashammakhi N, Lindqvist C, Suuronen R. Tyrosine derived poly carbonate membrane is useful for guided bone regeneration in rabbits mandibular defects. J Mater Sci Mater in Med (Accepted).
- 126
Kontio R, Suuronen R, Ponkkonen H, Lindqvist C. Has the etiology of maxillofacial fractures really changed during the last 16 years in Finland? Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg (Submitted).
- 125
Tarvainen L, Lindqvist C, Suuronen R, Malila N, Teppo L. Suusyöpä Suomessa 1953-1999. Suomen lääkärilehti (Submitted 2003).
- 124
Helenius LMJ, Meurman J.H, Helenius I, Kari K, Hietanen J, Suuronen R, Kautiainen H, Leirisalo-Repo M, Lindqvist C. Saliva in patients with rheumatoid diseases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod (Submitted 2003).
- 123
Laine P, Kontio R, Salo A, Mesimäki K, Lindqvist C, Suuronen R. Secondary correction of maloccluson after maxillofacial trauma treatment. J Oral Maxillofac Surg (Submitted 2003).
- 122
Hiltunen R, Suuronen R, Hatakka K, Laine P. Oroantraaliyhteydet diagnostiikasta hoitoon ja komplikaatioihin. Suomen hammaslääkärilehti (Finnish Dental Journal) (Submitted 2003).
- 121
Kontio R, Suuronen R, Ponkkonen H, Lindqvist C. Has the etiology of maxillofacial fractures really changed during the last 16 years in Finland? Dent Traumatol (Submitted 2003).
- 120
Laine P, Salo A, Varpavaara P, Mauno J, Ahlberg J, Lindqvist C, Suuronen R. Zygomaimplantti - uusi vaihtoehto purennan rekonstruktiossa. Suomen hammaslääkärilehti (Finnish Dental Journal) (In press 2003).
- 119
Koskinen W.J, Chen R.W, Leivo I, Mäkitie A.A, Kontio R, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C, Auvinen E, Molijin A, Quint W.C, Vaheri A, Aaltonen L.M. Prevalence and physical status of human papillomavirus in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. Int J Cancer (In press 2003).
- 118
Laine P, Suuronen R. Not enough bone - are dental implants possible? Nordic Dentistry 2003, Quintessence Copenhagen (In press).
- 117
Suuronen R, Kontio R, Ashammakhi N, Lindqvist C, Laine P. Bioabsorbable self-reinforced plates and screws in craniomaxillofacial surgery. Biomed Mater Eng 2004; 14(4):517-524.
- 116
Törmälä P, Kellomäki M, Ashammakhi N, Suuronen R. Kullasta kudosteknologiaan - kohti optimaalista korjausta. Duodecim 2004; 16:1975-1976. (Full text)
- 115
Waris E, Ashammakhi N, Waris V, Serlo W, Suuronen R, Törmälä P, Konttinen YT, Santavirta S. Biohajoavat kiinnittimet luukirurgiassa.Suom Hammaslääkäril 2004; 16:900-907. (Full text)
- 114
Waris E, Ashammakhi N, Waris V, Serlo W, Suuronen R, Törmälä P, Konttinen YT, Santavirta S. Biohajoavat kiinnittimet luukirurgiassa. Duodecim 2004; 120(6):673-681. (Full text)
- 113
Asikainen AJ, Noponen J, Hietanen J, Laitinen O, Pelto M, Kellomäki M, Ashammakhi N, Lindqvist C, Suuronen R. Tyrosine derived polycarbonate osteoconductive and inductive in rabbits. XVIIth European Congress for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Tours, Loire Valley, France, 14-18.9.2004, 219.
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- 112
Waris E, Pakkanen M, Lassila K, Törmälä
P, Konttinen Y.T, Suuronen R, Ashammakhi N. Alloplastic
Injectable Biomaterials for Soft Tissue Augmentation:
Report on Two Cases with Complications Associated
with a New Material (Dermalive) and a Review of the
Literature. Eur J Plast Surg 2003; 26(7):350-355.
- 111
Ashammakhi N, Suuronen R, Tiainen J, Törmälä P, Waris
T. Spotlights on Naturally Absorbable Osteofixation
Devices. A Review. J Craniofac Surg 2003; 14(2):247-259
- 110
Kaste F.S, Suuronen R, Salo A, Kontio R, Laine P, Lindqvist C. Systemic
diseases and implant failure in oral cancer patients.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 32: S117, 2003.
- 109
Tarvainen L, Malila N, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C. Oro-pharyngeal cancer in Finland in 1953-1999.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 32: S110, 2003.
- 108
Asikainen A, Noponen J, Mesimäki K,
Laitinen O, Kellomäki M, Lindqvist C,
Suuronen R. A new bioabsorbable material for
bone augmentation? Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 32:
S99, 2003.
- 107
Ekholm M, Hietanen J, Tulamo R-M,
Muhonen J, Lindqvist C, Kellomäki M, Suuronen R. Tissue reactions of subcutaneously
implanted mixture of epsilon-caprolactone-lactide
copolymer and tricalcium phosphate. An electron microscopic
in sheep. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 32: S99, 2003.
- 106
Laine P, Salo A, Ylijoki S, Lindqvist C, Suuronen
R. Clinical and bacteriological findings in failed
dental implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 32: S97,
- 105
Suuronen R, Laine P, Salo A, Kontio R, Lindqvist C. Bioabsorbable miniplates
in the fixation of access osteotomies. Int J Oral
Maxillofac Surg 32: S74, 2003
- 104
Suuronen R. Bioabsorbable plates and screws.
Abstract Book of Second International Conference on
New Biomedical Materials, April 5-8, 2003.
- 103
Suuronen R. Bioresorbable materials basic science
and different polymers how to choose the right polymer
to the right application. Cranial Base and Biomaterials.
Abstract Book of AO Craniomaxillofacial International
Focused Course. Madrid, Spain, March 2003.
- 102
Suuronen R. Bioresorbable materials current
use in CMF surgery. Cranial Base and Biomaterials.
Abstract Book of AO Craniomaxillofacial International
Focused Course. Madrid, Spain, March 2003.
- 101
Suuronen R. Alloplastic materials for bone grafting.
Cranial Base and Biomaterials. Abstract Book of AO
Craniomaxillofacial International Focused Course.
Madrid, Spain, March 2003.
- 100
Suuronen R. Bioresorbable materials in maxillofacial
traumatology. Abstract Book of Österreichische
Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie,
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- 99
Suuronen R. Biomechanics of the midface, midface
fracture patterns, classification. Abstract Book of
AO/ASIF Craniomaxillofacial Course. Davos, Switzerland,
December 2002.
- 98
Suuronen R. Resorbable materials in adult midface
and mandibular trauma Abstract Book of AO/ASIF Craniomaxillofacial
Course. Davos, Switzerland, December 2002.
- 97
Ekholm M, Hietanen J, Tulamo R-M,
Muhonen J, Lindqvist C, Kellomäki M,
Suuronen R. Tissue reactions of subcutaneously
implanted mixture of e-caprolactone-lactide copolymer
and tricalcium phosphate. An electron microscopic
evaluation in sheep. Biomaterials, submitted 2002.
- 96
Laine P, Salo A, Kontio R, Ylijoki S, Lindqvist C,
Suuronen R. Failed dental implants - clinical and
bacteriological findings in 17 patients. J Craniomaxillofac
Surg, submitted 2002.
- 95
Rajasuo A, Nyfors S, Kanervo A, Jousimies-Somer H,
Lindqvist C, Suuronen R. Plate removal - cause for
serious bacteremia? Int J Oral Maxillofacial Surgery,
submitted 2002.
- 94
Stoor P, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C, Hietanen J, Laine
P. Local primary (AL) amyloidosis in the palate. A
case report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, submitted
- 93
Kontio R, Ruuttila P, Lindroos L, Salo A, Suuronen
R, Lindqvist C, Virtanen I, Konttinen Y.T. Biodegradable
polydioxanone and poly(L/D)lactide implants: an experimental
study on peri-implant tissue response. Int J Oral
Maxillofacial Surgery, submitted 2002.
- 92
Laine P, Kontio R, Lindqvist C, Suuronen R. Are there any complications with bioabsorbable
fixation devices? 10 years of experience in orthognathic
surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, submitted 2002.
- 91
Kontio R, Suuronen R, Konttinen Y, Hallikainen D, Lindqvist C, kommonen Bertel, Kellomäki M, Kylmä T, Virtanen I. Orbital wall reconstruction
with poly(L/DL)lactide implants: Clinical, radiological,
histological and immunohistochemical study in sheep.
Int J Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, submitted 2002.
- 90
Helenius L.M.J, Hallikainen D, Helenius I, Meurman
J.H, Koskimies S, Tervahartiala P, Kivisaari L, Hietanen
J, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C, Leirisalo-Repo M. HLA-DRB1*
Alleles and temporomandibular joint erosion in patients
with various rheumatoid diseases. Ann Rheum Dis, submitted
- 89
Randell T, Suuronen R. Esilääkitys, sedaatio,
yleisanestesia ja puuduttaminen. (Premedication, sedation,
local and general anesthesia) In: Therapia Odontologica,
eds:Meurman J, Murtomaa H, LeBell Y, Autti H, Luukkanen
M. Academica, 2.edition, in press 2002.
- 88
Lindqvist C, Suuronen R. Haavan paraneminen. (Wound
healing) In: Therapia Odontologica, eds:Meurman J,
Murtomaa H, LeBell Y, Autti H, Luukkanen M. Academica,
2.edition, in press 2002.
- 87
Autti H, Kontio R, Lindqvist C, Rihtniemi J, Suuronen R. Dentoalveolaarinen kirugia.
(Dentoalveolar surgery) In: Therapia Odontologica,
eds:Meurman J, Murtomaa H, LeBell Y, Autti H, Luukkanen
M. Academica, 2.edition, in press 2002.
- 86
Paatsama J, Lindqvist C, Suuronen R. Leukojen
alueen infektiot. (Infections in the jaws) In: Therapia
Odontologica, eds:Meurman J, Murtomaa H, LeBell Y,
Autti H, Luukkanen M. Academica, 2.edition, in press
- 85
Ylinen P, Suuronen R, Taurio R, Törmälä
P, Rokkanen P. Use of hydroxylapatite/polymer-composite
in facial bone augmentation. An experimental study.
Int J Oral Max Fac Surg 31:405-409, 2002.
- 84
H, Ashammakhi N, Waris T, Kontio R, Salo A, Lindqvist
C, Grätz K, Suuronen R. The use of bioabsorbable osteofixation
devices in craniomaxillofacial surgery. Oral Surg
Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2002 Jul;94(1):5-14.
- 83
Suuronen R, Lindqvist C. Bioresorbable materials for
bone fixation: review of biological concepts and mechanical
aspects. In: Craniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and
Corrective Surgery: Principles of Internal Fixation
Using AO/ASIF Technique, ed: Greenberg Alex. Springer-Verlag,
New York, USA, 2002; 113-123.
- 81
Suuronen R. INR tulee -oletko valmis? (INR comes
- are you ready?). Editorial. Suomen hammaslääkärilehti
(Finnish Dental Journal) 1-2: 8: 2002.
- 80
Suuronen R, Laine P, Kontio R, Lindqvist C. Complications associated with bioresorbable
plating systems during 10 years in 204 patients. J
Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 30: (Suppl 1): 140, 2002.
- 79
Tarvainen L, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C.
Oral cancer in Finland in 1953-1999. J Cranio-Max-Fac
Surg 30: (Suppl 1): 870, 2002.
- 78
Kaste S, Suuronen R, Salo A, Laine P, Kontio R, Lindqvist C. Treatment
of oral cancer patients with dental implants - A retrospective
study.. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 30: (Suppl 1): 176,
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- 77
Helenius L.M.J, Hietanen J.H, Helenius I.J, Kautiainen
H, Piirainen H, Paimela L, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C,
Leirisalo-Repo M. Focal sialoadenitis and Sjögren's
syndrome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, mixed
connective tissue disease, ankylosing spondylitis,
and spondyloarthropathy. Ann Rheum Dis 60:744-749,
- 76
Kontio R, Suuronen R, Salonen O, Paukku P,
Konttinen Y.T, Lindqvist C. Effectiveness of operative
treatment of internal orbital wall fracture with polydioxanone
implant. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 30: 278-285, 2001.
- 75
Ylijoki S, Suuronen R, Jousimies-Somer H,
Meurman J, Lindqvist C. Differences between patients
with or without need for intensive care due to severe
odontogenic infections. J Oral Maxillofacial Surg,
59:867-872, 2001.
- 74
Ashammakhi N, Waris T, Peltoniemi H, Waris E, Suuronen
R, Serlo W, Törmälä P. Developments in Craniomaxillofacial
Surgery: Use of Self-reinforced Polyglycolide and
Polylactide Osteofixation Devices. Review. Plast Reconstr
Surg 108(1):167-180, 2001
- 73
Suuronen R, Mesimäki K, Lindqvist C. Akuutit hammasperäiset
infektiot (Acute odontogenic infections). Suomen Hammaslääkärilehti
(Finnish Dental Journal)12: 660-667, 2001 (Published
also in Kunnallislääkäri 16:11-17, 2001.)
- 72
Suuronen R. Vastaanoton ensiapuvalmius (First aid
in dental office). Suomen hammaslääkärilehti (Finnish
Dental Journal) 22: 1344-1347, 2001.
- 71
Lindqvist C, Suuronen R, Kallela I, Haers P, Sailer H. Resorbable plates and screws: current state-of-the-art
in cranio-maxillofacial surgery. 3rd International
Interdisciplinary Congress on Skull Base and Craniofacial
Surgery. March 13-16,2001 Interlaken, Switzerland.
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- 70
Suuronen R, Kallela I, Lindqvist C. Bioabsorbable
plates and screws: Current state of the art in facial
fracture repair. Invited review. J Craniofac Trauma
6: 19-27, 2000.
- 69
Suuronen R, Laine P, Kontio R, Salo A, Kallela I,
Lindqvist C. Biodegradable materials as fixation devices
in maxillofacial surgery - overview of the results
from the Helsinki group. The VI Joint Symposium Rostock-Riga,
Riga, Latvia, May 25-28, 2000.
- 68
Suuronen R, Laine P, Kontio R, Salo A, Kallela I,
Lindqvist C. Biodegradable materials as fixation devices
in maxillofacial surgery - overview of the results
from the Helsinki group. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 28:
(Suppl 3): 72, 2000.
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- 67
Ekholm M, Hietanen J, Rautavuori J, Santavirta S,
Lindqvist C, Suuronen R. A histological study of tissue
reactions of e-caprolactone-lactide-copolymer in paste
form. Biomaterials, 20: 1257-1262, 1999.
- 66
Ekholm M, Hietanen J, Lindqvist C, Rautavuori J, Santavirta
S, Salo A, Seppälä J, Suuronen R. Mixture
of e-caprolactone-lactide-copolymer and tricalciumphosphate.
A histological and immunohistochemical study of tissue
reactions. J Mater Sci Mater Med, 10: 69-74, 1999.
- 65
Kallela I, Laine P, Suuronen R, Tateyuki I, Lindqvist
C. Osteotomy site healing following mandibular sagittal
split osteotomy and rigid fixation with polylactide
biodegradable screws. Int J Oral Max Fac Surg, 28:
166-170, 1999.
- 64
Kallela I, Tulamo R-M, Hietanen J, Pohjonen T, Suuronen
R, Lindqvist C. Fixation of mandibular body osteotomies
using biodegradable amorphous self-reinforced (70L:30DL)
polylactide or metal lag screws: An experimental study
in sheep. J Cranio Max Fac Surg, 27: 124-133, 1999.
- 63
Suuronen R, Haers P, Lindqvist C, Sailer H. An Update
on Bioresorbable Plates in Maxillofacial Surgery.
Invited review. Facial Plastic Surg, 15: 61-72, 1999.
- 62
Paatsama J, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C. Establishing
a clinical diagnosis and surgical treatment plan.
In: Maxillofacial Surgery, eds: Ward Booth Peter,
Schendel Stephen, Hausamen Jarg-Erich. Churchill Livingstone,
London UK 1999; 21-44.
- 61
Suuronen R. Monisairaiden potilaiden kuntoutus. (The
rehabilitation of medically compromised patients).
STAKES: kuntoutusopas (National Research and Development
Centre for Welfare: Guide for rehabilitation), 1999.
- 60
Haers P.E, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C, Sailer H. Copolymers.
J Craniomaxillofac Surg 27: 199-200, 1999.
- 59
Suuronen R. Biodegradable Materials in Maxillofacial
Surgery. Limited attendance clinic. XIII International
Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, April
1999, Washington D.C., USA
- 58
Kaikkonen A, Haers P.E, Sailer H, Happonen H, Suuronen
R, Waris T, Kahri O, Törmälä P. Surgical
system for tissue fixation. US Pat Appl (filed Sept
31st 1999).
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- 57
Kallela I, Laine P, Suuronen R, Tateyuki I, Pirinen S, Lindqvist C. Skeletal stability after mandibular
advancement and fixation with biodegradable screws.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 27:3-7, 1998.
- 56
Suuronen R, Pohjonen T, Hietanen J, Lindqvist C. A
five-year in vitro and in vivo study of the biodegradation
of polylactide plates. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 56:
604-614, 1998.
- 55
Haers P.E, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C, Sailer H. Biodegradable polylactid acid plates and
screws in orthognathic surgery. J Cranio Max Fac Surg,
26: 87-91, 1998.
- 54
Kontio R, Salo A, Suuronen R, Meurman J.H, Lindqvist
C, Virtanen I. Fibrous wound repair associated with
biodegradable poly-l/d-lactide copolymere implants:
study of the expression of tenascin and cellular fibronectin.
J Mater Sci: Mater Med 9: 603-609, 1998.
- 53
M, Hietanen J, Lindqvist C, Rautavuori J, Santavirta S, Salo A, Seppälä J, Suuronen R. Mixture
of e-caprolactone-lactide copolymer and tricalcium
phosphate. A histological and immunohistochemical
study of tissue reactions. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 26:
(Suppl 1): 42, 1998.
- 52
Helander P, Ekholm M, Lindqvist C, Suuronen R, Hietanen J,
Kellomäki M. A histological study of tissue reactions
to solid polyorthoester. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 26:
(Suppl 1): 71, 1998.
- 51
Helenius M, Leirisalo-Repo M, Hietanen J,
Suuronen R, Hopfner-Hallikainen D, Helenius I,
Lindqvist C. Temporomandibular disorders in patients
with rheumatic diseases. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 26:
(Suppl 1): 71, 1998.
- 50
Kallela I, Laine P, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C. Mandibular
orthognathic surgery using biodegradable polylactide
fixation screws. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 26: (Suppl
1): 87-88, 1998.
- 49
Sailer H.F, Haers P.E, Suuronen R, Lindqvist
C. Biodegradable self-reinforced polylactide osteosynthesis
in maxillofacial traumatology. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg
26: (Suppl 1): 150, 1998.
- 48
Haers P.E, Suuronen R, Lindqvist C, Sailer H.F. Biodegradable self-reinforced polylactide osteosynthesis
in orthognathic surgery. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 26:
(Suppl 1): 164, 1998.
- 47
Suuronen R. Future of biomaterials in maxillofacial
surgery. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 26: (Suppl 1): 185-186,
- 46
Suuronen R, Laine P, Kontio R, Kallela I, Ekholm
M, Helander P, Törmälä P, Lindqvist
C. Biodegradable materials as fixation devices in
maxillofacial surgery. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 26: (Suppl
1): 186, 1998.
- 45
Kontio R, Suuronen R, Salo A, Lindqvist C. Is operative
management of blow out fractures with plain PDS folio
effective? An objective assessment. J Cranio-Max-Fac
Surg 26: (Suppl 1): 186, 1998.
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- 44
Ekholm M, Salo A, Syrjänen S, Laine P,
Lindqvist C, Kellomäki M, Suuronen R.
Biocompatibility of solid poly-(orthoester). J Mater
Sci: Mater Med,8:265-269, 1997.
- 43
Suuronen R, Manninen M, Pohjonen T, Laitinen O, Lindqvist C. Mandibular osteotomy fixed
with biodegradable plates and screws. An animal study.
Br J Oral Maxillofacial Surg, 35: 341-348, 1997
- 42
Suuronen R. INVITED DISCUSSION on Harada and
Enomoto: Stability after surgical correction of mandibular
prognathism using the sagittal split ramus osteotomy
and fixation with poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA) screws.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 55: 477, 1997.
- 41
Suuronen R. Biodegradable Materials as Fixation
Devices in Maxillofacial Surgery. Evening seminar
(ES-15). XIII International Conference on Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, 23.10.97, Kyoto, Japan.
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- 40
Lindqvist C, Laine P, Suuronen R, Pohjonen T, Kellomäki M. Biodegradable fixation devices in mandibular
surgery. J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 24 (Suppl 1): 68, 1996.
- 39
Ekholm M, Salo A, Syrjänen S, Laine P, Lindqvist
C, Kellomäki M, Virtanen I, Suuronen R. Biocompatibility
of solid poly (ortho ester). J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg
24 (Suppl 1): 133, 1996.
- 38
Suuronen R, Pohjonen T, Hietanen J, Lindqvist C. Long
term degradation of fracture fixation plates. An in
vivo and in vitro study on self-reinforced poly-l-lactide.
J Cranio-Max-Fac Surg 24 (Suppl 1): 112, 1996.
- 37
Suuronen R. SR-PLLA screws and plates in the
fixation of experimental osteotomies of the mandibular
bone. In: Self-Reinforced, Bioabsorbable Polymeric
Composites in Surgery, Eds. Rokkanen, P., Törmälä,
P., Tampereen Pikakopio, Tampere, Finland, 461-473,1995.
- 36
Suhonen J, Suuronen R, Hietanen J, Marinello C, Törmälä
P. Custom made polyglycolic acid (PGA) - root replicas
placed in extraction sockets of rabbits. Dtsch Z Mund
Kiefer GesichtsChir 19:253-257, 1995.
- 35
Suhonen J, Meyer B, Geiser E, Suuronen R, Hietanen
J, Marinello CP. Biodegradable PGA- and PLA -root
replicas placed in extraction sockets. Clinical, radiographical
and histological evaluation of a novel preventive
measure. Annual United Meeting of Swiss Society of
Periodontology and Swiss Society of Prosthodontics,
Basel, Switzerland, 1994.
- 34
Suuronen R, Suhonen J, Törmälä P, Hietanen
J, Räihä J, Åberg T, Marinello C.
PGA-root analogues placed in extraction sockets of
rabbits. Abstract Book of 13th International Conference
on Oral Biology, Tissue repair, Victoria, Canada,
March 1994.
- 33
Ekholm M, Suuronen R, Meurman J.H, Orko R,
Lindqvist C. Vaikeiden hammasperäisten infektioiden
hoito HYKS:n Kirurgisen sairaalan teho-osastolla 1990-1993.
(The treatment of severe odontogenic infections in
Helsinki University Central Hospital ICU in 1990-1993).
Suomen Hammaslääkärilehti (Finnish Dental Journal),
1:224-233, 1994.
- 32
Suuronen R, Laine P, Lindqvist C. Sagittal ramus osteotomies
fixed with biodegradable screws: A preliminary report.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 52: 715-720, 1994.
- 31
Suuronen R, Vainionpää S, Hietanen J, Lindqvist
C. The effect of osteotomy and osteosynthesis in the
mandibular condyle. A radiological and histological
study in sheep. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 23: 174-179,
- 30
Muhonen J, Suuronen R, Sarkiala E, Oikarinen V.J,
Happonen R-P. Effect of polyglycolic acid membrane
on bone regeneration around titanium fixtures implanted
in bone sockets. J Mater Sci, Mater Med 5: 40-42,
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- 29
Suuronen R, Vainionpää S, Hietanen J,
Lindqvist C. The effect of osteotomy and osteosynthesis
in the mandibular condyle. Abstract Book of 2nd Mediterranean
Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, June 5-9
1993, Corfu, Greece.
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- 28
R, Laine P, Pohjonen T, Sarkiala E, Lindqvist C. Sagittal osteotomies of the mandible fixed
with self-reinforced polylactide screws. A pilot study.
J Cranio Max Fac Surg 20:6 (Suppl 1):52:1992.
- 27
Muhonen J, Suuronen R, Oikarinen V J, Happonen R-P.
Effect of polyglycolic acid membrane on bone regeneration
around titanium fixtures implanted in bone sockets.
Abstract Book of XXIV Conference of Scandinavian Association
of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, August 12-16 1992,
Mariehamn, Åland Islands, Finland, p.120.
- 26
Suuronen R, Laine P, Pohjonen T, Sarkiala E,
Laitinen O, Vasenius J, Lindqvist C, Törmälä
P, Rokkanen P, Vainionpää S. Biodegradable
self-reinforced poly-l-lactide plates and screws in
experimantal maxillofacial surgery. Abstract Book
of XXIV Conference of Scandinavian Association of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, August 12-16 1992,
Mariehamn, Åland Islands, Finland, p. 100.
- 25
Suuronen R, Laine P, Sarkiala E, Pohjonen T,
Lindqvist C. Self-reinforced poly-l-lactide
screws in the fixation of sagittal split osteotomies
of the mandible. An experimental study. Abstract Book
of XI International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, April 8-12 1992, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 24
R. Biodegradable self-reinforced polylactide plates
and screws in the fixation of osteotomies in the mandible.
Summary. Proc Finn Dent Soc 88:67, 1992.
- 23
Suuronen R. Sulavien levyjen ja ruuvien käyttö alaleuan
murtumien kiinnityksesssä. Väitöskirjakatsaus. (Bioresorbable
plates and screws in the fixation of mandibular fractures.
A PhD thesis review.) Suomen Hammaslääkärilehti (Finnish
Dental Journal) 39:248-249, 1992.
- 22
Sarkiala E, Suuronen R. Kissojen ientulehdukset (Gingivitis
in cats). Suomen Eläinlääkärilehti (Finnish Veterinary
Journal) 97:16-19, 1991. [Julkaistu myös Suomen Hammaslääkärilehdessä
(published also in Finnish Dental Journal) 39:130-132,
- 21
Suuronen R. Biodegradable fracture fixation devices
in maxillofacial surgery. An invited review. Int J
Oral Maxillofac Surg 22: 50-57, 1992
- 20
Suuronen R, Laine P, Sarkiala E, Pohjonen T,
Lindqvist C. Sagittal split osteotomy fixed
with biodegradable, self-reinforced poly-l-lactide
screws. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 21: 303-308, 1992.
- 19
Suuronen R, Pohjonen T, Taurio R, Törmälä
P, Wessman L, Rönkkö Kaisa, Vainionpää S.
Strength retention of self-reinforced poly-l-lactide
screws and plates. In vivo and in vitro study. J Mater
Sci, Materials in Medicine 3: 426-431, 1992.
- 18
Manninen M.J, Päivärinta U, Taurio R, Törmälä
P, Suuronen R, Räihä J, Rokkanen P, Pätiälä
H. Polylactide screws in the fixation of olecranon
osteotomies. A mechanical study in sheep. Acta Orthop
Scand 63: 437-442, 1992.
- 17
R, Törmälä P, Vasenius J, Wessman L,
Mero M, Partio E, Vihtonen K, Vainionpää
S. Comparison of shear strength of osteotomies fixed
with absorbable self-reinforced poly-l-lactide and
metallic screws. J Mater Sci, Materials in Medicine
3: 288-292, 1992.
- 16
R, Pohjonen T, Vasenius J, Vainionpää
S. Comparison of absorbable self-reinforced multi-layer
poly-l-lactide and metallic plates in the fixation
of mandibular body osteotomies: An experimental study
in sheep. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 50: 255-262, 1992.
- 15
Suuronen R, Pohjonen T, Wessman L, Törmälä
P, Vainionpää S. New generation biodegradable
plate for fracture fixation. Comparison of bending
strengths of mandibular osteotomies fixed with absorbable
self-reinforced multi-layer poly-l-lactide plates
and metallic plates. An experimental study in sheep.
Clinical Materials 9: 77-84, 1992.
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- 14
Manninen M.J, Taurio R, Päivärinta U, Suuronen
R, Räihä J, Rokkanen P, Pätiälä H. Absorbable
poly-L-lactide screw in the fixation of olecranon
in sheep. Abstract Book of 9th European Conference
on Biomaterials, September 9-11 1991, Chester, UK.
- 13
R. Biodegradable self-reinforced polylactide plates
and screws in the fixation of osteotomies in the mandible.
Väitöskirja (Thesis). Ensirivi Oy / Painonikkarit,
Helsinki 1991, 116 s.
- 12
Sarkiala E, Suuronen R. Mitä tehdä kun hammas on katkennut
tai irronnut (The treatment of fractured or avulsed
tooth). Suomen Eläinlääkärilehti (Finnish Veterinary
Journal) 97:16-19, 1991.
- 11
Manninen M.J, Päivärinta U, Taurio R, Törmälä
P, Suuronen R, Räihä J, Rokkanen P, Pätiälä H.
Lampaan olecranon-osteotomian kiinnitys elimistössä
liukenevalla poly-L-laktidiruuvilla. (The fixation
of olecranon osteotomy with bioresorbable poly-L-lactide
screw.) Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia (Finnish
Orthopaedics and Traumatology) 14:2:81-84, 1991.
- 10
Suuronen R. Comparison of absorbable self-reinforced
poly-l- lactide screws and metallic screws in the
fixation of mandibular condyle osteotomies. Experimental
study in sheep. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 49: 989-995,
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- 9
Suuronen R, Vainionpää S, Mero M, Partio
E, Vasenius J, Vihtonen K, Wessman L, Törmälä
P, Rokkanen P. Leukaluun osteotomian kiinnitys laktidiruuveilla
ja -levyillä (Mandibular osteotomy fixed with lactide
plates and screws). Suomen Ortopedia ja Traumatologia
(Finnish Orthopaedics and Traumatology) 13:1:122-123,
- 8
Suuronen R, Vainionpää S, Wessman L,
Vasenius J, Mero M, Partio E, Vihtonen K, Törmälä
P, Rokkanen P, Oikarinen V. Fixation of mandibular
osteotomies with self-reinforced polylactide screws
and plates. An experimental study in sheep. Acta Orthopaedica
Scandinavica Suppl.237, Vol 61, p.46, 1990.
- 7
Suuronen R, Mero M, Wessman L, Sarkiala E, Oikarinen
V, Suuronen M, Vainionpää S. Fixation
of mandibular osteotomies with self-reinforced polylactide
screws and plates. Experimental study in sheep. Abstract
Book of XXVII World Congress of the International
College of Surgeons, September 9-15 1990, Sao Paulo,
- 6
Suuronen R, Vainionpää S, Wessman L,
Mero M, Partio E, Vasenius J, Vihtonen K, Törmälä
P, Rokkanen P, Oikarinen V. Fixation of osteotomies
on the neck the mandibular condyle with self-reinforced
polylactide screws. Experimantal study in sheep. Abstract
Book of 10th Congress of the European Association
for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, September 10-14
1990, Brussels, Belgium.
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- 5
Suuronen R, Vainionpää S, Mero M, Partio E,
Vasenius J, Vihtonen K, Törmälä P, Rokkanen P, Oikarinen V. Fixation of mandibular condyle
osteotomy with self-reinforced polylactide screws.
Experimental study in sheep. Abstract book of 8th
European Conference on Biomaterials, September 7-9
1989, Heidelberg, West Germany.
- 4
Rokkanen P, Axelsson P.E, Suuronen R, Vasenius
J, Vihtonen K, Mero M, Vainionpää S. Comparison
of biodegradable devices and metallic devices in fixation
of osteotomies and fractures in cancellous bone. Abstract
book of SIROT 89 - Intermediate meeting, August 18-20
1989, Lund, Sweden.
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- 3
Ranta H, Haapasalo M, Ranta K, Kontiainen S, Kerosuo E, Valtonen V, Suuronen R,
Hovi T. Bacteriology of odontogenic apical periodontitis
and effect of penicillin treatment on healing. Scand
J Infect Dis 20: 187-192, 1988.
- 2
Mero M, Skutnabb K, Suuronen R. Treatment
of canine hypertrophic osteodystrophy (HOD) with clodronate.
Abstract book of European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial
Surgery, 9th congress, 5-9 September 1988, Athens,
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- 1
Alanen E, Pohto P, Suuronen R. Nitroimidatsolit
- tehokas ase suun ongelmainfektioiden hoidossa (Nitroimidazoles
- effective drugs in the treatment of problematic
oral infections). Suomen Hammaslääkärilehti (Finnish
Dental Journal) 32: 8-13, 1985.