Fanny Vainionpää
Postdoctoral Researcher
Information Processing Science
Human Computer Interaction and Human-Centered Development
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Fanny Vainionpää is a postdoctoral researcher in the INTERACT research unit. She is interested in societal and social change that comes with ICT development. Her research falls under the wide umbrella of sustainable technology development and use, with themes of ICT education, career choice, emerging technologies, and AI regulation.
Vainionpää is currently working in the AI-REG project where focus is on the European Artificial Intelligence Act and the Finnish public sector.
Prior to this, Vainionpää has worked in the GenZ profiling project that aimed to include human sciences in the development of smart technologies and to support people’s abilities to handle impacts of digitalisation. In her PhD thesis Fanny looked into the underlrying reasons for why so few women choose ICT careers. She worked in the ESR funded LUNO project that aimed to make ICT more familiar to upper secondary school students and later in a follow-up project, TIKO-silta, where the aim is to develop a model for collaboration between secondary and higher education in the context of information processing science.
Fanny has discussed her doctoral research in media
- Article in Kaleva
- Article in #UniOulu
- Article in Iltasanomat
- Radio program episode in YLE Kulttuuriykkönen
Research interests
- Information Systems, Technology Design and Use, Sustainability, Inclusion, Societal Change
Researcher information
Researcher profiles
Contact information
Postal address
PO Box 8000
FI-90014 University of Oulu