Reanalysis of S4G Type III Disk Break Galaxies

Aaron Watkins et al, 2019


Presented here is a second look at those S4G galaxies containing Type III breaks, as published in
Laine et al. (2016). This list includes all galaxies that displayed one or more Type III breaks in any band (3.6, u, g, r, i, or z), including those with hybrid profiles (e.g., Type III + II). Some (a total of 4/175) galaxies in this list hence were not denoted as containing a Type III break in 3.6 micron imaging, but were included for the sake of completeness. In all that follows, we used only the 3.6 micron data and the surface brightness profiles originally measured by Laine et al. (2016), which were made using fixed position angle and ellipticity apertures.

Under this new analysis, breaks were automatically detected using "change point analysis" (a description of which can be found here), with minimal human supervision. The algorithm detects changes in the slope of the surface brightness profile as a function of radius, then assesses the significance of these changes using bootstrap resampling. There are three pitfalls of the method (as we reconstructed it from the web page linked above) that require supervision:
    1. If the disparity in slope between two regions is large, the mean slope will be highly skewed and only the strongest break will be detected. More subtle breaks are found by excluding the region of the disk beyond the strongest break and running the analysis again.
    2. If the slope in a region is not constant, the analysis finds spurious break locations (every point is a change point). In such cases, only the first break location is used (as the location where the disk changes to a profile not well-fit by an exponential). If no part of the disk can be considered exponential, all 'breaks' found are rejected.
    3. Likewise, if a break occurs over a large radial range, multiple change points will be identified throughout the break. In such cases the average of all of these change points is taken as the break radius.

A maximum of three breaks were allowed for each galaxy. The most significant break may be defined as that which falls at the global minimum of the cumulative sum profile. Then the profile is split into two --- one on either side of the first break --- and again is assessed for disk breaks in each section. This occasionally leads to some breaks that are significant being ignored. We have marked such breaks in these pages using parentheses.

After breaks are found, the surface brightness profile is perturbed by +/- 1 standard deviation (including the sky RMS measured in the S4G P4 analysis and Poisson noise in the flux within each annulus) and the analysis is repeated. Each break must survive all perturbations, or else it is rejected as spurious.

Additionally, initial break identification was done using the original S4G masks, but all galaxies were checked again using masks grown through use of a 3 pixel radius circular filter. Breaks in the disk outskirts that lost significance with the harsher masking were rejected, as these potentially were spuriously introduced by light leakage. Some breaks previously remarked in parentheses as possible but not significant breaks gained significance with the harsher masking: these were thus included. In total, only 10 breaks were rejected through this masking procedure.

The following links show a series of plots demonstrating the breaks for each galaxy. There are two sets of plots per galaxy, which are as follows (from top-left to bottom-right for each set):

In each radial plot, the following are marked:

  1. Black dots show the mean surface brightness profile
  2. Gray dashed lines show the median surface brightness profile
  3. Red crosses in the slope profile plots denote the slopes before median smoothing is applied, while black dashed lines show the slope profile after smoothing (smoothing is done using a kernel 0.1x the width of the radius array). Gray dashed lines show the smoothed profile for the median surface brightnesses (see above)
  4. Red shaded regions denote regions excluded from the break analysis. R_outer was taken from Laine et al. (2016), R_inner excludes all regions with clear influence from central bulges/bars, including inner rings, inner lenses, and inner spiral arms (if they emerge directly from the ends of the bars).*
  5. Green dashed lines denote radii of rings, lenses, etc. from Buta et al. (2015).
  6. Blue dotted lines denote the break radii from Laine et al. (2016)
  7. Gold dashed lines denote the break radii from this analysis

* NOTE: a handful of galaxies show evidence of being "oval galaxies" (see Section 3.2 of Kormendy and Kennicutt 2004). The central regions of these galaxies, though appearing as normal disks, are offset in position angle and ellipticity from the outermost isophotes, hence appear "oval" in shape when the galaxy is deprojected. In unambiguous cases the entirety of the "oval" was avoided in the selection of R_inner (mostly to simplify the break selection, as such galaxies appear almost as two disks, each with its own set of breaks).

In each image plot, we show only the inner and outer radius boundaries (red dashed ellipses) and our break radii (gold dashed ellipses), to avoid clutter.

Finally, for each galaxy are given Ron Buta's classification (a detailed description of these classifications can be found in Buta et al. 2015, as well as in table form) the break type classifications for all breaks found in this analysis, and brief notes justifying the choice of break classification. I adopt here the following break classification scheme:

ESO085-047 ESO358-015 ESO358-025 ESO402-030 ESO407-014 ESO480-025 ESO576-001 IC0797 IC0863 IC2007
IC2056 IC3267 IC5267 IC5332 NGC0150 NGC0244 NGC0289 NGC0474 NGC0488 NGC0680
NGC0723 NGC0772 NGC0899 NGC1051 NGC1076 NGC1084 NGC1299 NGC1302 NGC1310 NGC1345
NGC1357 NGC1367 NGC1385 NGC1553 NGC1566 NGC1637 NGC2460 NGC2775 NGC2782 NGC2844
NGC2854 NGC2967 NGC2976 NGC2985 NGC3155 NGC3177 NGC3182 NGC3248 NGC3259 NGC3274
NGC3310 NGC3329 NGC3370 NGC3413 NGC3455 NGC3485 NGC3583 NGC3596 NGC3611 NGC3622
NGC3627 NGC3642 NGC3655 NGC3659 NGC3682 NGC3684 NGC3689 NGC3715 NGC3782 NGC3846A
NGC3870 NGC3896 NGC3900 NGC3913 NGC3941 NGC3949 NGC3982 NGC3985 NGC4032 NGC4041
NGC4045 NGC4049 NGC4108 NGC4127 NGC4133 NGC4138 NGC4151 NGC4234 NGC4309 NGC4336
NGC4344 NGC4380 NGC4412 NGC4414 NGC4424 NGC4451 NGC4470 NGC4491 NGC4501 NGC4504
NGC4534 NGC4561 NGC4580 NGC4584 NGC4591 NGC4595 NGC4625 NGC4651 NGC4668 NGC4680
NGC4689 NGC4691 NGC4699 NGC4701 NGC4791 NGC4800 NGC4814 NGC4948A NGC5016 NGC5033
NGC5055 NGC5145 NGC5205 NGC5218 NGC5336 NGC5339 NGC5464 NGC5520 NGC5604 NGC5624
NGC5676 NGC5691 NGC5744 NGC5757 NGC5762 NGC5774 NGC5781 NGC5789 NGC5806 NGC5937
NGC5956 NGC5962 NGC5963 NGC6207 NGC6902 NGC7213 NGC7290 NGC7371 NGC7412 NGC7531
NGC7716 NGC7742 NGC7743 NGC7764 PGC009559 PGC013821 PGC027616 PGC047721 PGC053093 PGC053415
PGC053779 UGC00099 UGC00313 UGC01020 UGC01862 UGC04621 UGC05522 UGC06512 UGC06517 UGC06922
UGC07129 UGC07690 UGC08909 UGC10290 UGC10803