Main menu:

Choose from the menu 'The winter of our northern nature'
the wintery topic you would like to familiarize yourself with!

'The winter of our *Northern nature' consists of six (6) parts and a wintering of species
( e.g. leavings of animals and tracks in the snow as well as winter liveries of plants).


Choose from the menu 'the winter of our northern nature'
the wintery topic you would like to familiarize yourself with!

'The winter of our *Northern nature' consists of six (6) parts and a wintering of species
( e.g. leavings of animals and tracks in the snow as well as winter liveries of plants).

Sorry, only "1. Environmental factors" and "4. The hard midwinter"
are translated into English!

Literature dealing with the topic:

- Havas, P. & Sulkava, S.: Suomen luonnon talvi. - Kirjayhtymä, 1987.
- Kalliola, R.: Suomen luonto vuodenaikojen vaihtelussa. - WSOY, 1951.
Marchand, P., J.: Life in the cold. An introduction to winter ecology. 3rd edition, 1996.


Winter is also dealt with in the following parts of this website:

'Seasons' (especially parts 'autumn' and 'winter')

and 'Ecology' (especially parts 1-3)