763629S Classical field theory, University of Oulu In the examination there will be questions about the topics covered in the lectures and in the exercises. The following list gives the sections in the lecture material, and where in the books this material can be found (in many cases the material of the lecture notes forms only part of the material in the quoted book sections). The references are to the following books LL: L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, "The classical theory of fields", 4th ed. FW: A.L. Fetter and J.D. Walecka, "Theoretical mechanics of particles and continua" (1980) G: H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics (1950, 1980) Those sections saying (ei 08) or (ei 05) are no more part of the course. Section 2.1 Hamilton's principle: LL 18 2.2 small oscillations: LL 21-23 3. oscillations with many degrees of freedom: LL 24-25 4. General classical field theory: G 11-5 (not all conservations laws covered) 5. Theory of relativity: LL 2-4, 6-9 6. Charges in electromagnetic field: LL 15-21 (slowly changing magnetic field not all covered), LL 23-25 7. Electromagnetic field equations: LL 26-28, LL 30 7.2 Energy and momentum: LL 32-33, LL31 7.3 Time-independent field: LL 36-37, (skipped sections), LL 43, (skipped sections) 7.4 skipped 8 Electromagnetic waves: LL 46, (skipped sections), LL 51, (skipped sections) 8.2: Field of moving charges: LL 62-63, LL 73, LL 75. All the rest is skipped in the present course.