City of Oulu acknowledges the contribution of Fab Lab Oulu in education

City of Oulu has acknowledged the efforts made by Fab Lab Oulu in order to bring closer technology, digital fabrication and STEAM to children and schools.

City of Oulu has acknowledged the efforts made by Fab Lab Oulu in order to bring closer technology, digital fabrication and STEAM to children and schools. We are very proud of the work we have done in the last 4 years.

Next year, we will continue our collaboration with local schools and to do our bit in the education of our 21st century citizens. We would like to attract young pupils to ICT related studies at University of Oulu, specially to the degree programs run by Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, and Faculty of Technology. Our city is needing thousands of new ICT skilled workers in the coming years.

During the current year we have hosted more than 1000 pupils from local schools in our premises. In addition Buutti, a local company in the Edtech business, have reached more than 2000 pupils all around Finland. We have had 50 TET students (TET means something like "familiarization with working life") learning about the type of work we are doing at Fab Lab.

We have heavily contributed to the development of the STEAM in Oulu network that currently includes17 local schools. Hopefully, more schools join next year. Last year, our Fab Lab has trained 12 teachers and 6 primary school principals in STEAM and digital fabrication. This year we are training a new group of 12 teachers from 8 different schools.

Thanks to all actors involved and City of Oulu for the recognition!!!

You can find more information in the local press

Last updated: 22.11.2021