Eva Pongracz

D.Sc.(Tech.), Dr.Univ., Lic.Sc.(Tech.), M.Sc.(Tech.)
Energy systems and environmental engineering

Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Technology

Prof. Eva Pongrácz is vice-head of the Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering research unit at the Faculty of Technology. She is an environmental engineer with a keen understanding of sustainable development. Her research focus is in energy transition and circular economy, with a special attention on arctic issues. She is also leading the Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Group, which focuses on smart energy systems, renewable energy, decarbonization and critical material recycling. She has an extensive collaboration network and project experience across the Northern Periphery and Arctic region, promoting environmental protection, decentralized energy solutions and sustainable regional development.

Research interests

  • sustainability
  • sustainable energy
  • energy transition
  • circular economy
  • environmental justice

Researcher information

Portrait of Eva Pongracz

Contact information



Phone number

+358 294 48 7417

Visiting address

University of Oulu
Linnanmaa campus, PR 337-2

Postal address

90014 University of Oulu
P.O.Box 4300