12th Doctoral Conferment Ceremony of the University of Oulu

University of Oulu will hold its 12th Doctoral Conferment Ceremony, arranged jointly by all faculties, on May 17–19, 2024.
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University community members and City of Oulu residents are warmly welcome to follow the conferment procession in the centre of Oulu on Saturday 18 May, 3.30 pm. The procession proceeds from Mannerheim Park along Kirkkokatu to Oulu Cathedral. The procession has a weather reservation: in rainy weather, it is not organized.

A total of 243 young doctors and 17 honorary doctors will be conferred at this joint conferment ceremony of eight faculties. It is possible to follow the 12th Doctoral Conferment Ceremony of the University of Oulu via live stream on Saturday 18th of May at 12 noon. Watch the live stream

The Conferment Ceremonies began on Friday 17th with Sword-Whetting. The Conferment Ceremony will be on Saturday 18th at noon in Saalastinsali, University of Oulu. After the Conferment Ceremony there will be a procession to the Oulu Cathedral for an ecumenical service. The Conferment Banquet and Ball will be held on the same night. The celebrations conclude on Sunday 19th of May with the Sailing Trip. All other events, except for the procession, are invitation-only.

Doctoral Conferment Ceremony of the University of Oulu

Last updated: 13.5.2024