ALANs FDS2 decompositions

LAST UPDATED 21-Nov-2019_08_43



The Fornax Deep Survey (FDS) consists of two GTO surveys with OmegaCAM/VST (FoCUS, PI R. Peletier; VEGAS, PI E.Iodice),
covering 21 square degree area of the Fornax main cluster in u,g,r,i bands, and 5 square-degree area in the FornaA sub-group in g,r,i bands.

This page describes multi-component decompositions carried out for 584 Fornax cluster members (including both main cluster and Fornax A).
The reduced data, and identification of cluster members are from Venhola et al. 2018 FDS Dwarf Galaxy Catalog .

The decompositions are made for r,g, and i band images, using Chien Pengs's GALFIT (v3.0).
The GALFIDL package is used for visualization and running of GALFIT decompositions.

Our galaxy list sample consists of 564 entries in Venhola et al. 2018 Dwarf Galaxy catalog (with m_r > 12.5), plus 29 bright Fornax members (m_r < 12.5)
and one additional faint member, in this order. Eight of the original entries in Venhola et al. 2018 are duplicates, leading to total of 564-8+29+1=586 galaxies.

The decompositions in g,r,i -bands include
- automatic 1-component Sersic fits:
- automatic 2-component Sersic + nucleus decompositions
- human supervised multi-component decompositions

In the above decompositions the centers of the components were fixed.
In r-band, additional Sersic + nucleus decompositions were made with free centers. The human-supervised final decompositions included up to 4 simultaneous components
(modeled with GALFIT's "sersic", "expo", "edgedisk", "ferrer2", and "psf" fitting functions, used for bulge, disk, nearly edge-on disk, bar, and unresolved central components, respectively).

The current pages (evolved from the project's internal work pages) illustrate the preliminary steps required for starting the decompositions
(masking, clipping, isophotal analysis, sky background determinations) as well as results of decompositions (model & observation comparisons, residuals).

Main page

The Fornax Decomposition Catalog main-page (=this page) contains a list of names of all galaxies in the sample:
the entries links to a detailed index page, showing 100 galaxies/page.

Index pages

The index pages displays for each galaxy some info and two rows of icon-sized images (clicking on icon displays the full-size image):


- Galaxy identification (follows V2018):
   FDSn_x, where 
    n refers to field and
    x is the running number
- Galaxy source:
- Aperture photometry:
  r-band magnitude
  r-band effective radius
- Galaxy class from V2018:
   l = late
   e = early, non-nucleated
   e*= early, nucleated
Quality flags:
2-component params:
   stellar mass M*
   effective radius (kpc)
   Sersic index
   nucleus flus ratio
   g-r color


1) DSS image centered at the galaxy, 10' by 10'
2) Clipped mask image (masked regions attenuated by 5 magnitudes)
3) Clipped image with iraf ellipse isophotes
4) IRAF ellipse-profiles
5) galaxy center, initial sky background estimation
6) brightness profiles in 3 bands, color profiles
7) Determination of effective radii
8) Sersic+nucleus model: 2D profile
9) Sersic+nucleus model: residuals
10) Multicomponent model: 2D profile
11) Multicomponent model: residuals 11) Multicomponent model: 1D profile


1) RGB-composite image
2) Sky subtracted g image
3) Sky subtracted r image
4) Sky subtracted i image
5) Location of galaxy disk on scaling relations
    (=params of Sersic component of Sersic+nucleus model)
    - Central surface brightness versus stellar mass
    - Effective radius
    - Sersic index
    - g-r color
    - Nucleus/total flux ratio
    - location of galaxy in Fornax
6) Determination of g-band sky background from non-masked pixels
    - uppermost row:  using average sky value from user-selected measurement regions
    - central row: using average in user-selected elliptical annulus
    - lowermost row: adding fitting a plane to background sky
7) Upper frames: g-band cumulative flux and surface brightness profiles
lower frames: sky background after subtracting a single value (left), sky plane (right)
8)-9) Same in r-band
10)-1) Same in i-band

The blue link takes to a decomposition page (20 galaxies/page), 'main' takes back to the main galaxy list page

Decomposition pages

The decomposition page shows:

1) mask, isophote, sky-determination plots (same as on index page)

2) Two-component Sersic+PSF model: sky-plane profile, residuals, 1d-plot
3) Multi-component model: sky-plane profile, residuals, 1d-plot

A missing multicomponent model indicates that no reliable decomposition could be done (problems with the image, no convergence, or very complicated morphology etc.)

The links take to:
previous/next galaxy decomposition (slight delay when the page is switched)
back to galaxy index-page
back to main galaxy list

Others page

= additional decomposition pages


For summary tables of the parameters, see

sersic+nucleus models (mag free; long format, ascii)

sersic+nucleus models (mag,n,re free; long format, ascii)

Multi-component models g-band (long format, ascii)
Multi-component models r-band (long format, ascii)
Multi-component models i-band (long format, ascii)

Aperture photometry (long format, ascii)


Links to alternative FDS subsamples
(e.g. galaxies ordered in stellar mass M*)

Have fun & send suggestions to heikki.salo@oulu.fi

List of galaxies

FDS10_0003 FDS10_0004 FDS10_0014 FDS10_0017 FDS10_0023 FDS10_0034 FDS10_0056 FDS10_0077 FDS10_0098 FDS10_0109
FDS10_0117 FDS10_0123 FDS10_0130 FDS10_0137b FDS10_0143 FDS10_0147 FDS10_0150 FDS10_0167 FDS10_0180 FDS10_0189
FDS10_0200 FDS10_0228 FDS10_0261b FDS10_0302 FDS10_0315 FDS10_0326 FDS10_0345 FDS10_0349 FDS10_0359 FDS10_0363
FDS10_0387 FDS10_0397 FDS10_0405 FDS10_0423 FDS10_0463 FDS10_0576 FDS10_0591a FDS11_0010 FDS11_0013 FDS11_0027
FDS11_0029 FDS11_0032 FDS11_0040 FDS11_0044 FDS11_0047 FDS11_0049 FDS11_0052b FDS11_0064 FDS11_0069 FDS11_0071b
FDS11_0075 FDS11_0079 FDS11_0093 FDS11_0108 FDS11_0110 FDS11_0134 FDS11_0140 FDS11_0155 FDS11_0185 FDS11_0186
FDS11_0200 FDS11_0203 FDS11_0204 FDS11_0229 FDS11_0235 FDS11_0246 FDS11_0277 FDS11_0279 FDS11_0283 FDS11_0289
FDS11_0294 FDS11_0296 FDS11_0299 FDS11_0306 FDS11_0311 FDS11_0327 FDS11_0330 FDS11_0339 FDS11_0365 FDS11_0396
FDS11_0403 FDS11_0411b FDS11_0423 FDS11_0458 FDS11_0461 FDS11_0475 FDS11_0488 FDS11_0519 FDS11_0554 FDS12_0015
FDS12_0052 FDS12_0080 FDS12_0098 FDS12_0135 FDS12_0148 FDS12_0154 FDS12_0172 FDS12_0176 FDS12_0178 FDS12_0183

FDS12_0190 FDS12_0194 FDS12_0197 FDS12_0236 FDS12_0241 FDS12_0286 FDS12_0287 FDS12_0296 FDS12_0314 FDS12_0327
FDS12_0339 FDS12_0349 FDS12_0366 FDS12_0367 FDS12_0383 FDS12_0396 FDS12_0399 FDS12_0406 FDS12_0429 FDS12_0433
FDS12_0436 FDS12_0463 FDS12_0491 FDS12_0492 FDS12_0586 FDS12_0608 FDS13_0004 FDS13_0042 FDS13_0044 FDS13_0054
FDS13_0058 FDS13_0074 FDS13_0130 FDS13_0162 FDS13_0165 FDS13_0176 FDS13_0224 FDS13_0230 FDS13_0258 FDS13_0284
FDS13_0299 FDS13_0302 FDS13_0318 FDS13_0357 FDS13_0378 FDS13_0398 FDS13_0462 FDS13_0496 FDS14_0011 FDS14_0067
FDS14_0073 FDS14_0140 FDS14_0144 FDS14_0206 FDS14_0227 FDS14_0245 FDS14_0257 FDS14_0271 FDS14_0339 FDS14_0352
FDS15_0039 FDS15_0085 FDS15_0107 FDS15_0111 FDS15_0113 FDS15_0132 FDS15_0148 FDS15_0155 FDS15_0209 FDS15_0213a
FDS15_0223 FDS15_0232 FDS15_0245 FDS15_0292 FDS15_0309a FDS15_0359 FDS15_0365 FDS15_0369 FDS15_0384 FDS15_0417
FDS15_0462 FDS15_0673 FDS16_0002 FDS16_0003 FDS16_0024 FDS16_0027 FDS16_0051 FDS16_0055 FDS16_0072 FDS16_0075
FDS16_0081 FDS16_0102 FDS16_0108 FDS16_0109 FDS16_0127 FDS16_0138 FDS16_0141 FDS16_0145 FDS16_0152 FDS16_0159

FDS16_0170 FDS16_0172 FDS16_0185a FDS16_0190 FDS16_0204 FDS16_0227 FDS16_0230b FDS16_0232 FDS16_0246 FDS16_0248
FDS16_0253 FDS16_0257 FDS16_0272 FDS16_0280 FDS16_0281 FDS16_0283 FDS16_0307 FDS16_0328 FDS16_0329 FDS16_0330
FDS16_0346 FDS16_0417 FDS16_0441 FDS16_0472 FDS16_0486 FDS16_0533 FDS16_0788b FDS17_0082 FDS17_0110 FDS17_0121
FDS17_0127 FDS17_0161 FDS17_0166 FDS17_0167 FDS17_0185 FDS17_0188 FDS17_0220 FDS17_0226 FDS17_0227 FDS17_0242
FDS17_0243 FDS17_0251 FDS17_0259 FDS17_0265 FDS17_0283 FDS17_0288 FDS17_0303 FDS17_0304 FDS17_0312 FDS17_0316
FDS17_0317 FDS17_0325 FDS17_0343 FDS17_0345 FDS17_0359 FDS18_0045 FDS18_0058 FDS18_0098 FDS18_0111 FDS18_0129
FDS18_0140 FDS18_0143 FDS18_0185 FDS18_0225 FDS18_0333 FDS18_0335 FDS18_0408 FDS19_0001 FDS19_0003 FDS19_0004
FDS19_0094 FDS19_0100 FDS19_0167 FDS19_0184 FDS19_0202 FDS19_0223 FDS19_0226 FDS19_0259 FDS19_0300 FDS19_0304
FDS19_0380 FDS19_0435 FDS19_0491 FDS19_0613a FDS19_0613b FDS19_0772 FDS1_0014 FDS1_0083 FDS1_0145 FDS1_0168
FDS1_0242 FDS1_0267 FDS1_0671 FDS20_0008 FDS20_0014 FDS20_0031 FDS20_0048 FDS20_0058 FDS20_0100 FDS20_0118

FDS20_0138 FDS20_0142 FDS20_0144 FDS20_0146 FDS20_0193 FDS20_0198 FDS20_0205 FDS20_0212 FDS20_0238 FDS20_0253
FDS20_0254 FDS20_0264 FDS20_0296 FDS20_0320 FDS20_0333 FDS20_0334 FDS20_0360 FDS20_0384 FDS20_0472 FDS20_0498
FDS20_0502 FDS20_0522 FDS21_0006 FDS21_0009 FDS21_0055a FDS21_0084 FDS21_0105 FDS21_0129 FDS21_0170 FDS21_0192
FDS21_0198 FDS21_0202 FDS21_0212 FDS21_0253 FDS21_0255 FDS21_0306 FDS21_0328 FDS21_0333 FDS21_0334 FDS21_0371
FDS22_0084 FDS22_0099 FDS22_0104 FDS22_0120 FDS22_0153 FDS22_0162 FDS22_0169 FDS22_0173 FDS22_0182 FDS22_0189
FDS22_0207 FDS22_0244 FDS22_0256 FDS22_0267 FDS22_0295 FDS25_0001 FDS25_0008 FDS25_0013 FDS25_0015 FDS25_0020
FDS25_0043 FDS25_0065 FDS25_0080 FDS25_0094 FDS25_0100 FDS25_0117 FDS25_0141 FDS25_0146 FDS25_0181 FDS25_0182
FDS25_0191 FDS25_0232 FDS25_0241 FDS25_0296 FDS25_0420 FDS25_0496 FDS25_0498 FDS25_0512 FDS26_0000 FDS26_0003
FDS26_0024 FDS26_0039 FDS26_0040 FDS26_0097 FDS26_0101 FDS26_0103 FDS26_0111 FDS26_0141 FDS26_0170 FDS26_0176
FDS26_0203 FDS26_0229 FDS26_0233 FDS26_0265 FDS26_0277 FDS26_0468 FDS27_0060 FDS27_0103 FDS27_0104 FDS27_0211

FDS28_0003 FDS28_0027 FDS28_0052 FDS28_0054 FDS28_0055 FDS28_0157 FDS28_0176 FDS28_0184 FDS28_0203 FDS28_0219
FDS28_0255 FDS28_0315 FDS2_0000 FDS2_0002 FDS2_0012 FDS2_0028 FDS2_0133 FDS2_0277 FDS2_0282 FDS2_0321
FDS2_0322 FDS2_0393 FDS2_0433 FDS2_0436 FDS2_0445 FDS31_0001 FDS31_0024 FDS31_0042 FDS31_0096 FDS31_0129
FDS31_0135 FDS31_0194 FDS31_0196 FDS31_0208 FDS31_0230 FDS31_0262 FDS31_0294 FDS31_0314 FDS31_0318 FDS31_0319
FDS31_0356 FDS31_0430 FDS33_0081 FDS33_0088 FDS33_0121 FDS33_0129 FDS4_0000 FDS4_0001 FDS4_0002 FDS4_0030
FDS4_0053 FDS4_0054 FDS4_0061 FDS4_0079 FDS4_0098 FDS4_0114 FDS4_0182 FDS4_0337 FDS4_0404 FDS5_0000
FDS5_0010 FDS5_0072 FDS5_0093 FDS5_0121 FDS5_0137 FDS5_0140 FDS5_0159b FDS5_0180 FDS5_0182 FDS5_0200
FDS5_0272 FDS5_0306 FDS5_0345 FDS5_0382 FDS5_0449b FDS5_0608b FDS5_0634 FDS5_0759 FDS5_0784 FDS5_1217
FDS5_1413 FDS6_0002 FDS6_0003 FDS6_0024 FDS6_0030 FDS6_0082 FDS6_0098 FDS6_0100b FDS6_0115 FDS6_0118
FDS6_0129 FDS6_0134 FDS6_0154 FDS6_0170 FDS6_0175 FDS6_0176 FDS6_0201 FDS6_0208 FDS6_0216 FDS6_0223

FDS6_0234 FDS6_0244 FDS6_0249 FDS6_0251 FDS6_0267 FDS6_0303 FDS6_0347 FDS6_0350 FDS6_0352 FDS6_0374
FDS6_0385 FDS6_0414 FDS6_0418 FDS6_0454 FDS6_0455 FDS6_0462 FDS6_0513 FDS6_0566 FDS6_0584 FDS7_0000
FDS7_0001 FDS7_0015 FDS7_0021 FDS7_0023 FDS7_0158 FDS7_0183 FDS7_0185 FDS7_0193 FDS7_0234 FDS7_0244
FDS7_0275 FDS7_0286 FDS7_0310 FDS7_0324 FDS7_0326 FDS7_0360 FDS7_0461 FDS7_0486 FDS7_0504 FDS7_0509
FDS7_0520b FDS7_0529 FDS7_0640 FDS7_0696 FDS9_0007 FDS9_0024 FDS9_0032 FDS9_0055 FDS9_0112 FDS9_0135
FDS9_0209 FDS9_0255 FDS9_0271 FDS9_0276 FDS9_0319 FDS9_0350 FDS9_0357 FDS9_0363 FDS9_0417 FDS9_0489
FDS9_0492 FDS9_0503 FDS9_0512 FDS9_0534 FDS10_0000 FDS1_0000 FDS11_0000 FDS11_0001 FDS11_0002 FDS11_0003
FDS11_0004 FDS11_0005 FDS11_0006 FDS11_0166 FDS12_0002 FDS12_0003 FDS13_0000 FDS14_0133 FDS15_0002 FDS16_0000
FDS16_0001 FDS17_0365 FDS19_0000 FDS20_0000 FDS22_0000 FDS25_0000 FDS26_0001 FDS26_0254 FDS28_0420 FDS6_0000
FDS6_0001 FDS7_0736 FDS7_0737 FDS31_0607