Below is a list of published, submitted and upcoming papers on the NIRS0S project. Clicking on the title of a paper will open a link in a new window to the corresponding ADS or arXiv (astro-ph) page.

Published papers

Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., and Buta, R., 2005, Multicomponent decompositions for a sample of S0 galaxies, MNRAS, 362, 1319
Buta, R., Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Block, D.L., and Knapen, J.H., 2006, Fourier Dissection of Early-Type Galaxy Bars, AJ, 132, 1859
Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Buta, R., Knapen, J. H, Speltincx, T., and Block, D. L. 2006, Morphology of 15 Southern Early-type Disk Galaxies, AJ, 132, 2634
Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Knapen, J.H., and Buta, R., 2007, Properties of Bars and Bulges in the Hubble Sequence, MNRAS 381, 401-417.
Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Buta, R., Knapen, J. H., 2009, Bars, Ovals, and Lenses in Early-Type Disk Galaxies: Probes of Galaxy Evolution, ApJ Letters, 692 L34-L39
Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Buta, R., Knapen, J. H., Comerón, S. 2010, Photometric scaling relations of lenticular and spiral galaxies, MNRAS 405, 1089-1118
Buta, R., Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Knapen, J. H., 2010, Decreased Frequency of Strong Bars in S0 Galaxies: Evidence for Secular Evolution?, ApJ 721, 259-266
Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Buta, R., Knapen, J. H., 2011, Near-IR Atlas of S0 galaxies (NIRS0S), MNRAS 418, 1452
Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Buta, R., Knapen, J. H., 2012, Near-IR Atlas of S0 galaxies (NIRS0S), Advances in Astronomy., in press