From Idea to Printing of Metal Products (I2P)

I2P aims at modernizing the manufacturing industry by substantially building knowledge on 3D-printing, also termed additive manufacturing, of metal parts. This will enhance the awareness on opportunities and limitations of this promising technique. Accelerated implementation of 3D-printing in production is expected, promoting business, employment and attractiveness in the region. From each of the four countries one university group and one SME or SME-association participates, composing complementary competence at high level. A pilot 3D-printer for metals will be installed, to test but also improve the technique. Technical, economic and environmental knowledge will be built and disseminated, via a new cooperation platform and advanced web-conferencing, to many companies, to generate promising ideas.

The Lead Partner for the project is Lulea University of Technology. Other members of the project include Northern Arctic Federal University and Sozvezdye from Russia, The Arctic University of Norway and Saltvik Plogen AS from Norway, Mekinor Metall AB from Sweden, and Filtra Group Oy in addition to the University of Oulu Kerttu Saalasti Institute's FMT research group. This project's total budget is 1 011 500 euros and its funded by the Kolarctic Cross-Border Cooperation program, which in turn is co-financed by the EU, Finland, Norway, the Russian Federation and Sweden.

FMT operations and results

Research and development



Cooperation and funding

Guides and publications

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