How to get there
The nearest airport is located at Ivalo, 30 km distance from Saariselkä.
Note that (at the moment) there is only one daily flight from Helsinki to Ivalo (operated by Finnair).
However, there are several international connections to Rovaniemi.
So, it might be a good idea to arrive Rovaniemi airport and then take a bus to Saariselkä.
Rovaniemi airport is on the Northern Arctic circle, therefore during the weeks near June solstice
there is 24 hours day light around the clock.
Hence, you may consider your bustrip to Saariselkä as a sightseeing tour!
Please, make a comparison of prices and flexibility for you flights e.g. using E-bookers or equivalent company.
For example:
(By 2nd April 2013 prices) Paris-Rovaniemi-Paris not more than 300 euros.
Details: 14.6.2013 Paris, departure 07:40-arrival Rovaniemi 13:20; 21.6.2013 Rovaniemi, departure 13:50-arrival Paris 21:35.
Bus connections from Ivalo airport to Saariselkä, 30 km:
There is a bus connection.
Bus connection from Rovaniemi airport to Saariselkä, 250 km:
On Friday 14th June the buses leave the airport at:
- 11:55 (JM Eskelisen Lapin Linjat Oy)
- 15:35 (Pikakuljetus Rovaniemi Oy)
- 17:30 (JM Eskelisen Lapin Linjat Oy)
- 20:18 (Liikenne O. Niemelä Oy or Gold Line Oy)
On Saturday 15th June the buses leave the airport at:
- 11:55 (JM Eskelisen Lapin Linjat Oy)
- 15:35 (Pikakuljetus Rovaniemi Oy)
- 17:30 (JM Eskelisen Lapin Linjat Oy)
Please contact us beforehand on which bus you are planning to take for all the buses don't stop at the airport when there are no customers.
The one-way bus fare is around 45 euros. We recommend paying by cash to the driver.
If you are planning to travel on some other day, you can find the timetables and prizes
An embedded Google map:
to see a larger map.