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Seasonal pictures from a forest in year 2000 (part 2):

Note: the pictures are from Oulu, the views from Lappland should be somewhat different.

Foto 1.5.00
The last snowpots are disappeaing, but the growth of plants is not yet starting...Vaccinium myrtillus) are swelled.

Foto 13.5.00
The snowcower is melted and growing season is just starting! The buds of many plants (e.g. billberry, Vaccinium myrtillus and willow,
Salix caprea
; on the right in this picture) are already swollen, but the new leaves of dwarf shrubs or trees are not in view.Vaccinium vitis-idaea).

Foto 29.5.00
Time of the active growth is now going on: billberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is flowering (maybe not yet in the northernmost Lapland),
the leaves of birches and willows (on the right: Salix caprea) are already fairly big, and the growth of spruce (Picea abies) is just starting...

Foto 13.6.00
The full summer is getting as well in North Finland - except in the norternmost parts of Lappland! Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) leaves
off flowering, chickweed wintergreen (Trientalis europaea) is just flowering. The willows (Salix caprea, on right in pict.)
have big leaves already, and the new annual growth of spruce (Picea abies) is couple of centimetres long.

Foto 1.7.00
Growth situation in June was rather favourable - however in Lappland rather cool. Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) starts to flowering
as well as wavy hair-grass (Deschampsia flexuosa). The new annual shoots of whortleberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) are almost completed.


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