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  • 23
    Penttilä H, Tulamo R-M, Waris T, Ellä V, Kellomäki M, Törmälä P, Ashammakhi N. Combining prefabricated microvascularied perichondrial flaps and bioabsorbable polylactide nonwoven scaffolds to tissue engineered cartilage. Joint Meeting of the Tissue Engineering Society International (TESI) and the European Tissue Engineering Society (ETES), Lausanne, Switzerland, 10-13.10.2004, P020.

  • 22
    Penttilä H, Tulamo R-M, Waris T, Ellä V, Kellomäki M, Törmälä P, Ashammakhi N. Neo-Formation of Cartilage in Prefabricated Microvascularied Perichondrial Flaps Wrapped around Bioabsorbable Polylactide Nonwoven Scaffolds. II Iberian Congress on Biomaterials (BIOÉvora2004), Évora, Portugal, 9-11.9.2004.

  • 21
    Penttilä H, Tuominen P, Waris T, Baer G, Rorarius M, Kalliovalkama J, Sand J, Ashammakhi N. Follow-Up of Vascularised Tissue Flaps Using Surface Sensor Pulse Oximeter. II Iberian Congress on Biomaterials (BIOÉvora2004), Évora, Portugal, 9-11.9.2004.

  • 20
    Penttilä H, Tuominen P, Waris T, Baer G, Rorarius M, Kalliovalkama J, Sand J, Ashammakhi N. Use of surface sensor pulse oximeter in follow-up of free flaps. 5th Nordic Congress on Telemedicine, Umeå, Sweden, 31.8 - 3.9.2004.

  • 19
    Penttilä H, Tulamo R-M, Waris T, Ellä V, Kellomäki M, Törmälä P, Ashammakhi N. Microvascularied Perichondrial Flaps and Bioabsorbable Polylactide Scaffolds for Engineering Cartilage. 3rd ScanBalt Forum - The Competence Region, Turku Science Park, BioCity and PharmaCity, Finland, 25-26.8.2004.

  • 18
    Penttilä H, Tuominen P, Waris T, Baer G, Rorarius M, Kalliovalkama J, Sand J, Ashammakhi N. Application of Surface Sensor Pulse Oximeter in Follow-Up of Free Flaps. 3rd ScanBalt Forum - The Competence Region, Turku Science Park, BioCity and PharmaCity, Finland, 25-26.8.2004.

  • 17
    Penttilä H, Tuominen P, Waris T, Baer G, Rorarius M, Kalliovalkama J, Sand J, Ashammakhi N. Microvascularised Flaps Follow-Up Using Surface Sensor Pulse Oximetery. The 5th International Conference on Biological Physics (ICBP2004), Gothenburg, Sweden, 23-27.8.2004, S3-6.

  • 16
    Penttilä H, Tulamo R-M, Waris T, Ellä V, Kellomäki M, Törmälä P, Ashammakhi N. Generation of Cartilage Using Prefabricated Microvascularied Perichondrial Bioabsorbable Polylactide Nonwoven Scaffolds. 10th General Meeting of the Swiss Society for Biomaterials (SSB), Davos, Switzerland, July 1st, 2004, P24.

  • 15
    Penttilä H, Tulamo R-M, Waris T, Ellä V, Kellomäki M, Törmälä P, Ashammakhi N. Construction of Cartilage Using Prefabricated Microvascularied Perichondrial Bioabsorbable Polylactide Nonwoven Scaffolds. Tissue & Cell Engineering Society Spring Meeting (TCES2004), Keele University, UK, 14-15th June, 2004.

  • 14
    Penttilä H, Tuominen P, Waris T, Baer G, Rorarius M, Kalliovalkama J, Sand J, Ashammakhi N. Study of Use of Surface Sensor Pulse Oximeter in Follow-Up of Free Flaps. Tissue & Cell Engineering Society Spring Meeting (TCES2004), Keele University, UK, 14-15th June, 2004.

  • 13
    Penttilä H, Tulamo R-M, Waris T, Ellä V, Kellomäki M, Törmälä P, Ashammakhi N. Engineering of Cartilage Using Prefabricated Microvascularied Perichondrial Bioabsorbable Polylactide Nonwoven Scaffolds. Regenerate 2004 (Tissue Engineering The Human Body), Seattle, Washington USA, 9-12.6.2004.

  • 12
    Penttilä H, Tuominen P, Waris T, Baer G, Rorarius M, Kalliovalkama J, Sand J, Ashammakhi N. Development of New Method to Follow-Up Tissue Flaps Using Surface Sensor Pulse Oximeter. 5th ANNUAL SEMINAR OF “TISSUE ENGINEERING AND MEDICAL, DENTAL AND VETERINARY BIOMATERIAL RESEARCH GROUP (BRG)”, Biomedicum, Helsinki, Finland, June 1st, 2004.

  • 11
    Penttilä H, Tulamo R-M, Waris T, Ellä V, Kellomäki M, Törmälä P, Ashammakhi N. Guided Cartilage Generation Using Prefabricated Microvascular Flaps of Perichondreum and PLDLA 96/4 Non Woven Scaffolds. 5th ANNUAL SEMINAR OF “TISSUE ENGINEERING AND MEDICAL, DENTAL AND VETERINARY BIOMATERIAL RESEARCH GROUP (BRG)”, Biomedicum, Helsinki, Finland, June 1st, 2004.

  • 10
    Penttilä H, Tulamo R-M, Waris T, Ellä V, Kellomäki M, Törmälä P, Ashammakhi N. Tissue Engineering of Cartilage Using Prefabricated Microvascularied Perichondrial Bioabsorbable Polylactide Nonwoven Scaffolds. 5th Symposium of the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS), Gent, Belgium, 26-29.5.2004, abstract 588.

  • 9
    Penttilä H, Tulamo R-M, Waris T, Ellä V, Kellomäki M, Törmälä M, Ashammakhi N. Tissue Engineering of Cartilage Using Prefabricated Microvascularized Perichondrial Bioabsorbable Polylactide Nonwoven Scaffolds. 14th InterdisciplinaryResearch Conference on Biomaterials (GRIBOI 2004), Limoges, France, 25-26.3.2004.

  • 8
    Penttilä H, Tuominen P, Waris T, Baer G, Rorarius M, Kalliovalkama J, Sand J, Ashammakhi N. Surface Sensor Pulse Oximeter in Follow-Up of Free Flaps. IX National Telemedicine and e-Health -Seminar, Kemi, Finland 11-13.2.2004.

  • 7
    Penttilä H, Waris T, Ashammakhi N, Vanhatalo S. Degeneration and regeneration of perivascular innervation in arterial grafts. J Craniofac Surg 2004; 15(4):579-581.

  • 6
    Penttilä H, Huttunen P, von Smitten K, Waris T, Ashammakhi, N. Noradrenaline levels are significantly increased in rat arterial grafts 6 hours postoperatively and take 48 hours to come down. Microsurgery 2004; 24(2):139-142

  • 5
    Penttilä H, Huttunen P, von Smitten K, Ashammakhi N, Waris T. Reinnervation of arterial grafts by noradrenergic nerves occurs in rats as indicated by increased levels of noradrenaline. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004; 113(7):2057-2060.


  • 1
    Penttilä H.K, von Smitten K.A, Waris T.H. Disappearance of catecholamine fluorescence from the adrenergic nerves in arterial grafts in rats: an experimental fluorescence histochemical study. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 2001 Jun;35(2):123-8.

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