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  • 34
    Ashammakhi N, Renier D, Arnaud E, Marchac D, Ninkovic M, Donaway D, Jones B, Serlo W, Laurikainen K, Törmälä P, Waris T. Results of Multicenter EU Study on Use of Bioabsorbable Devices in Craniofacial Surgery. 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Biomaterials /Biomechanics (ISAB2), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 3-6.4.2005.

  • 33
    Serlo W, Ashammakhi N, Länsman S, Törmälä P, Waris T. Clinical Application of Bioabsorbbale Tacks and Plates in CMF Surgery. 15th Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Biomaterials (GRIBOI 2005), Shanghai, China, 18-20.3.2005.

  • 32
    Ashammakhi N, Renier D, Arnaud E, Marchac D, Ninkovic M, Donaway D, Jones B, Serlo W, Laurikainen K, Törmälä P, Waris T. EU Funded Project: Successful Use of Biosorb Osteofixation Devices in 165 Cranial and Maxillofacial Cases: a Multicentric Report. University of Oulu Faculty of Medicine Science Day, Oulu, Finland, February 22, 2005. P-27.


  • 19
    Serlo W, Ashammakhi N, Törmälä P, Waris T. A New Technique for Cranial Bone Osteofixation: Use of Bioabsorbable Tacks and Plates to Fix Parietal Bone Split Grafts Used for Reconstruction of a Post-traumatic Frontal Bone Defect. A case report. Oulu University Science Day 18 Feb 2003, Oulu, Finland.

  • 18
    Serlo W, Ashammakhi N, Länsman S, Törmälä P, Waris T. A New Technique for Correction of Trigonocephaly Using New Bioabsorbable Osteofixation Tacks and Plates and a Novel Tack-shooter. J Craniofac Surg 2003; 14(1):92-96


  • 17
    Ashammakhi N, Serlo W, Törmälä P, Waris T. Use of Bioabsorbable Tacks and Plates to Fix Parietal Bone Split Grafts Used for Reconstruction of a Post-traumatic Frontal Bone Defect. The 16th Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Muenster, Germany 3-7 September 2002.

  • 16
    Serlo W, Ashammakhi N, Länsman S, Törmälä P, Waris T. Clinical application of A New Technique for Correction of Trigonocephaly: Use of Bioabsorbable Osteofixation Tacks, Tack-shooter and Plates. The 16th Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Muenster, Germany 3-7 September 2002.

  • 15
    Länsman S, Serlo W, Linna O, Törmälä P, Waris T, Ashammakhi N. Treatment of pectus excavatum with bioabsorbable polylactide plates: Preliminary results. J Pediatr Surg. 2002 Sep;37(9):1281-6.

  • 14
    Serlo W, Ashammakhi N, Waris T, Törmälä T. A new technique for cranial bone osteofixation: Use of absorbable tacks and plates to fix parietal bone split grafts for post-traumatic frontal bone defect reconstruction. J Craniofac Surg 2002; 13(2):331-6


  • 13
    Serlo W, Kaarela O.I, Peltoniemi H, Merikanto J, Ashammakhi N, Lassila K, Pohjonen T, Törmälä P, Wris T.H. Self-Reinforced Polylactide Osteosynthesis Devices in Craniofacial Surgery. A Long-Term Follow-Up Study. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 2001; 35(3):285-292

  • 12
    Ashammakhi N, Waris T, Peltoniemi H, Waris E, Suuronen R, Serlo W, Törmälä P. Developments in Craniomaxillofacial Surgery: Use of Self-reinforced Polyglycolide and Polylactide Osteofixation Devices. Review. Plast Reconstr Surg 108(1):167-180, 2001

  • 11
    Serlo W, Ashammakhi N, Törmälä P, Waris T. Case Report: A New Technique for Correction of Trigonocephaly in An Infant: Application of An Absorbable Endocranial Plate. Child's N System 2000, 16: 595-597

  • 10
    Serlo W, Ashammakhi N, Kaarela O, Peltoniemi H, Merikanto J, Pohjonen T, Törmälä P, Waris T H. Experience with reliable biodegradable osteofixation devices in craniofacial surgery. Long-term follow-up of 16 patients. The 29th Cong of the Scand Assoc of Oral and Maxillofac Surgeon (SFOMK 2000), 8-10 June 2000, Oulu, Finland

  • 9
    Ashammakhi N, Serlo W, Kaarela O, Peltoniemi H , Merikanto J, Pohjonen T, Törmälä P, Waris T. Experience with Biodegradable Osteofixation Devices in Craniofacial Surgery. Long-Term Follow-up of 16 Patients. XV Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 5-9 Sep. 2000, Edinburgh, UK

  • 8
    Mäkelä P, Ashammakhi N, Ruuskanen M, Serlo W, Pohjonen T, Waris T, Törmälä P. Comparison of Poly-L-Lactide(PLLA) and Steel Wire Used for Craniotomy Closure. An Experimental Study. Surgery online (http://www.surgeonline.com) (Sep-Oct 1999)

  • 7
    Mäkelä P.A, Ruuskanen M, Ashammakhi N, Kallioinen M, Pohjonen T, Serlo W, Törmälä P, Waris T. Comparison of Biodegradable Self-Reinforced Poly-L-Lactide (SR-PLLA) and Steel Wire in Fixation of Sternotomy. An Experimental Study in Rabbits. Ann Chir Gynaecol 1999; 88:318-321

  • 6
    Waris T, Ashammakhi N, Pernu H, Serlo W. Internal Mammary Vascularized Costochondral Free Flap. Surgery online (http://www.surgeonline.com) (Sep-Oct 1999)

  • 5
    Waris T, Marchac D, Anderl H, Nincovic M, Muehlbauer W, Jones B, Lanritzen C, Ashammakhi N, Serlo W, Törmälä P. New biodegradable osteofixation devices for craniofacial surgery. Preliminary results from a European Union demonstration project. Conference to launch the European Union's Fifth Framework Programme for research. Essen, Germany. 25-26 Feb. 1999.

  • 4
    Waris T, Serlo W, Lepojärvi M, Ashammakhi N, Oikarinen K, Pernu H, Kaarela O, Teerikangas H. Costochondral Free Flaps Based on Internal Mammary Vessels. Scandinavian Surgical Society. Biennial Congress. June 6-9, 1999, Turku, Finland. Published in Ann Chir Gynaecol 1999, 88(2): 109-76. Abstract No. 66.

  • 3
    Waris T, Marchac D, Anderl H, Nincovic M, Muhlbaner W, Jones B, Lanrizen C, Ashammakhi N, Serlo W, Törmälä P. A New Method for Treatment of Craniofacial Syndromes Using Biodegradable Devices. Poster. EC Life Sciences Demonstration Conference, Upsala, Sweden. 11-14 Oct. 1998.


  • 2
    Waris T, Serlo W, Merikanto J, Ohman J, Hukki J, Rautio J, Rantanen M, Pernu H, Mäkelä P, Lauritzen C, Pohjonen T, Törmälä P: Biodegradable self-reinforced (SR-PLLA) polylactide in craniofacial surgery. Nordisk Plastikkirurgisk Förenings XXIV kongress, 8.6.-11.6.1992, Åbo, Finland.


  • 1
    Ruuskanen M, Mäkelä P, Kallioinen M, Kaarela O, Waris T, Serlo W, Heikkinen E, Virtanen M, Laiho J, Törmälä P: Experimental thoracoplasties using biodegradable implants. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery and the Scandinavian Society for Extracorporeal Technology 21.-23.8.1991, Umeå, Sweden.

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