Introduction to interdisciplinarity

  • 2-2 op
  • DP00AG92
Tohtorikoulutuksen yleis- ja valmiustaito-opinto (valinnainen)

Koulutuksen tiedot


10.03.2025 - 06.05.2025



Opintojen tyyppi

Yleinen ja valmiustaito-opinto

Koulutuksen pakollisuus


Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätiedot

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Koulutuksen kuvaus

Possibilities and impact of interdisciplinary research, as well as things to be considered in it. Working as a part of an interdisciplinary research group: skills for collaboration, leading, and ideating. Ethical questions in interdisciplinary research. Characteristics of multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary research. Interdisciplinary career.

The objective of the course is to understand the characteristics of interdisciplinary work in the context of scientific work and applying funding. Upon completion of the course, the participants will have

  • developed skills in interdisciplinary communications
  • developed skills of managing complexity and leading interdisciplinary funding application idea creation
  • developed skills such as teamwork, creativity, and resourcefulness
  • developed in presenting research ideas clearly and impactfully.

Viimeksi päivitetty: 13.11.2024