Mastering Academic Writing
- 0.5-0.5 op
- DP00AF92
What does it take to write papers for major academic journals?
Koulutuksen tiedot
Opintojen tyyppi
Yleinen ja valmiustaito-opinto
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Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätiedot
Koulutuksen kuvaus
This masterclass has three main aims. First, what determines article quality as assessed by journal editors and reviewers? In other words: what makes a paper valuable and interesting for a peer reviewed academic journal? Second, what is the best strategy to write a paper? How to start? How to ensure progress, even when facing other pressing obligations? Third, how to make an article fit a journal? How to build on previous research? How to design a compelling introduction? The participants bring papers from top journals in their own field to the Masterclass. Both individual and group exercises enable them to analyze various aspects of these papers.
Viimeksi päivitetty: 18.9.2024