Understanding the experience of mental health and wellbeing of young Sami reindeer herders in Finland using arts-based methods

The overall purpose of this study is to understand and enhance the mental health and well-being of young Sami reindeer herders.

Projektin tiedot

Projektin kesto


Projektin rahoittaja

Finnish Cultural Foundation

Rahoituksen määrä

100 000 EUR

Projektin koordinaattori

Oulun yliopisto



Projektin kuvaus

The specific aims are to:

  1. Build awareness and understanding of the mental health and wellbeing of young Sami reindeer herders from the perspectives of herders and their families;
  2. Explore how young Sami reindeer herders’ living conditions and current challenges influence the herders’ mental health and wellbeing; and
  3. Identify recommendations/solutions to current and new services and programs that can support young Sami reindeer herders’ mental health and well-being.

This is a mixed methods study, with the emphasis on qualitative and art-based research methods. The research group consists of international researchers, representing members from University of Manitoba / Canada, University of Oulu / Finland and Sami researchers from Lapland / Finland. This study will be completed in collaboration with SamiSoster ry, Finland and municipality of Utjsoki, Finland.

Drs. Ulla Timlin, Heidi Eriksen and prof. Arja Rautio are working in the project.
