The 9th meeting of the ICAZ Archaeozoology, Genetics, Proteomics and Morphometrics (AGPM) Working Group

Tapahtuman tiedot
To 23.09.2021 09:30 - Pe 24.09.2021 18:00
Abstract submission and registration
Call for papers is closed.
Registration: Registration will be open 9.8.–17.9.2021. Attendance is free. A zoom link will be provided to the registered participants via email. Please submit your registration information (name, affiliation, email address) to
Organizing committee
Anna-Kaisa Salmi, University of Oulu
Sirpa Niinimäki, University of Oulu
Maxime Pelletier, University of Oulu
Matti Heino, University of Oulu
Mathilde van den Berg, University of Oulu
The conference will be organized virtually in Zoom. A link will be provided via email to all registered participants. All times are EEST (UTC+3).
Thursday, September 23rd 2021
09:30 Introductory Talk. Jouni Aspi
09:45 Keynote On the tail of early dogs: an interdisciplinary quest. Pontus Skoglund
10:20 P01 The never ending story of dog domestication! New evidence from geometric morphometrics and ancient DNA. Allowen Evin et al.
10:40 P02 Thousands of years of human-dog relationships: uncovering adaptation to dietary changes of dogs, resulting from the transition to farming. Morgane Ollivier et al.
11:00 Coffee break
11:20 P03 The Lapita Expansion and the Pacific Clade Pig Paradox. David Stanton et al.
11:40 P04 Type I collagen of African small wild bovids: de novo sequencing and implications for species identification using palaeoproteomics. Louise Le Meillour et al.
12:00 P05 Dairying enabled Bronze Age Yamnaya expansions. Shevan Wilkin et al.
12:20 Lunch
13:20 P06 Bones geometric morphometrics illustrate 10th millennium cal. BP domestication of autochthonous Cypriot wild boar (Sus scrofa circeus nov. ssp). Thomas Cucchi et al.
13:40 P07 How did European dogs look like prior to the Bronze Age? A 3D analysis based on the mandible. Colline Brassard et al.
14:00 P08 Genetic history of sheep in the North Atlantic from the Viking Age to modern breeds. Albína Pálsdóttir et al.
14:20 P09 A reassessment of early dog burials in the context of wild animal inhumations. AB Siegenthaler
14:40 S01 A novel study of the history of domesticated sheep in the Bronze and Iron Age Central Asia. André Soares et al.
14:50 S02 EVOSHEEP project: Documenting morphological diversity of early sheep 'breeds' in Southwest Asian societies (6th-1st millennia BC) using 3D geometric morphometric of appendicular bones. Manon Vuillien et al.
15:00 Coffee break
15:20 P10 Dispersal routes and integration of chickens in Russia as told by osteological and ancient DNA analyses. Dilyara Shaymuratova et al.
15:40 P11 Multiproxy taxonomic identification at Late Holocene Los Viscos archaeological site in the South-Central Andes. Mariana Mondini et al.
16:00 P12 Phenotypic diversification of extinct and endemic Lesser Antillean rice rats (Oryzomyini tribe): combined geometric morphometrics analysis of archaeological teeth and mandibles. Marine Durocher et al.
16:20 P13 Efficient Amplification of DNA from Ancient Caribbean Agouti (Dasyproctidae: Dasyprocta). Sophie Rabinow et al.
16:40 S03 Reconstructing the distribution of grey wolves over the last 50,000 years. Sophie Denis et al.
16:50 S04 Spatio-temporal disruption in gene flow of guanaco populations in northwestern Patagonia during the late Holocene. Cinthia Abbona et al.
17:00 Discussion
19:00 Online Social Event
Friday, September 24th 2021
09:00 P14 Biomechanical constraints associated with captivity alter craniomandibular shape and integration. Dimitri Neaux et
09:20 P15 Limb bone virtual anatomy to explore anthropogenic change in Western Europe wild boars (Sus scrofa) during the neolithisation. Hugo Harbers et al.
09:40 P16 Sheep or Goat ? A new 2D geometric morphometric protocol for identifying isolated teeth and mandibles. Marine Jeanjean et al.
10:00 S05 Population genetics analysis of ancient Iberian sheep: insights on early European sheep populations and their relationship with modern sheep. Pedro Morell Miranda et al.
10:10 S06 A new morphometric protocol for pair matching of antimeres of petrous bones in suids: implications for MNI estimations in archeozoological and paleontological contexts. Karl Baltazart et al.
10:20 S07 Geometric morphometrics of Rangifer teeth: a tool for exploring human-deer interactions during the Palaeolithic? Emmanuel Discamps et al.
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 P17 Dogs in Lithuania in the 13th-17th c.: morphology, diet and health status. Giedré Piličiauskienė et al.
11:20 P18 ZooMS in the Central Sahara: potential and perspectives from the case study of Takarkori rock shelter (10.200-4600 cal BP). Martina Di Matteo
11:40 P19 The Application of ZooMS to Study Late Quaternary Extinctions in Australia. Carli Peters et al.
12:00 S08 Combining ZooMS with archaeozoology: preliminary results from the Uluzzian level of Roccia San Sebastiano cave (Mondragone, Southern Italy). Sara Silvestrini et al.
12:10 S09 Machine Learning and bone breakage: identifying carnivore activity in Jarama and Manzanares valleys (Madrid, Spain) during the Middle Pleistocene. Abel Moclán et al.
12:20 Lunch
13:20 P20 Assessing the effect of eraser sampling for proteomic analysis on Palaeolithic bone surface microtopography. Virginie Sinet-Mathio et al.
13:40 P21 Identification of two morphologically similar species and its implication in Pleistocene European faunas: the study case of lemmings (Myopus and Lemmus). Louis Arbez et al.
14:00 P22 Meat source, sacrificial item and companion: A comparative look at the genomics of ancient dogs in pre-Hispanic Mexico and Peru, and their legacy in modern populations. Aurélie Manin et al.
14:20 P23 Stable isotopes and mitochondrial DNA of archaeologic horses from Finland, Lithuania and Russia 5080-259 cal BP. Johanna Honka et al.
14:40 S10 Rhea hunting during the prehistoric to historic transition in northwestern Patagonia: an ancient DNA study. Cinthia Abbona et al.
14:50 S11 Exceptional ancient DNA preservation and fibre remains of a Sasanian saltmine sheep mummy in Chehrābād, Iran. Conor Rossi et al.
15:00 Coffee break
15:20 P24 Domestication process of South American Camelids at Telarmachay (Peru): new insights from 3D geometric morphometrics of astragal bones. Manon Le Neün et al.
15:40 P25 Exploring the Origins and the Introduction of Cattle in early Spanish America through Ancient DNA. Nicolas Delsol et al.
16:00 P26 Genetic diversity of Slavic horses. Danijela Popović et al.
16:20 S12 The presence and origins of Andalusian dogs. Natividad Lupiáñez Corpas et al.
16:30 S13 The DEMETER Project: Eight millennia of changes in domestic plants and animals: understanding local adaptation under socio-economic and climatic fluctuations. Allowen Evin et al.
16:40 Discussion / Concluding speech
Picture: Alexander Kopatz
More information about the AGPM Working Group