Beating Procrastination

This workshop will help you gain an understanding of the thoughts and feelings connected with procrastination and explore ways to address the behavior. The workshop creates a safe space for both individual exploration and collective reflection.

Tapahtuman tiedot




KK238, Linnanmaa campus



Lisää tapahtuma kalenteriin

During the academic year 2024-2025, the University of Oulu Guidance Services will offer a series of workshops dedicated to PhD researchers. The workshops comprise a variety of themes, with the aim of supporting the well-being and academic progress of PhD researchers.

The first workshop in the series, Beating Procrastination, tackles academic procrastination, a common phenomenon among students and researchers alike. Depending on demand, the rest of the workshops may be held in English as well. All workshops are facilitated by study psychologist Hanna-Liisa Kärsämä and occasionally by another member of the Guidance Services team.

Pre-assignment: Watch Tim Urban’s TED Talk video Inside the mind of a master procrastinator.

Registrations by November 4th in webropol. Max 12 participants

Viimeksi päivitetty: 16.10.2024