Siirtyy: Pentti Kaitera -seminaari 2024
Tapahtuman tiedot
Pe 02.02.2024 12:00 - 15:00
Kasarmintie 13b, 90130 Oulu
Pentti Kaitera -seminaari 2024 järjestetään perjantaina 2.2.2024.klo 12–15 Hotelli Lasaretin Aurora-salissa.
Jouko Niinimäki, rehtori, Oulun yliopisto
Pekka Ala-Pietilä, hallituksen puheenjohtaja, Huhtamäki Oyj
Paneelikeskustelu: ”Tekoäly – uhka ja mahdollisuus?”
Mukana johtavia tekoälytutkijoita:
Sanna Järvelä, professor
Sanna Järvelä is a professor in Learning Sciences and Educational Technology in University of Oulu. Her research interests deal with self-regulated learning, computer supported collaborative learning and AI in education. Järvelä is co-PI of the Center for Learning and Living with AI (CELLA) and leader of the Hybrid Intelligence: Human-AI co-evolution and learning in multi-realities (HI) profiling project in the University of Oulu 2023-2028.
Susanna Pirttikangas, research director
Susanna Pirttikangas is deputy director for the Center for Ubiquitous Computing at the University of Oulu and the principal investigator of Interactive Edge (iEdge) research team developing adaptive, reliable, and trusted edge intelligence.
Jarmo Reponen, professor
Jarmo Reponen is a professor of healthcare information systems at the Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. His research focuses on assessment of health information systems, their availability, use and user experience.