Workshop: Time Management Mastery for Doctoral Researchers

Are you struggling to balance research, life, and deadlines?

Join us on December 4th for an engaging workshop designed to enhance productivity, sharpen focus, and master prioritization.

Tapahtuman tiedot


Ke 04.12.2024 12:15 - 13:45


KK 238, Ohjauspalvelut/Guidance Services, Linnanmaa



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Workshop Highlights:

  • Identify your biggest time management challenges
  • Learn proven strategies for prioritization and focus
  • Discover tools to enhance productivity

Registrations by December 4th via Webropol. Max 12 participants. Webropol will not allow registration if the maximum number of participants has been reached, so if you are able to proceed with the registration, it means your registration has been accepted. Workshop is in English.

Viimeksi päivitetty: 26.11.2024