Abdul Rahman Abid
Doctoral Researcher

I started as a doctoral student in NANOMO group in January 2017. My research topic is based on synchrotron radiation characterization of radiation damage on molecules under the supervision of Minna Patanen funded bt I4FUTURE program. This research involves two partner organizations: Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District (NOHD) and Uppsala University (UU). My doctoral thesis will end up with double doctoral degree between University of Oulu and Uppsala University. I did my bachelor degree in Materials Engineering with specialization in Surface Engineering from National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Pakistan. After my under-graduation, I got fully funded scholarship for the master degree under the Erasmus Mundus Master program SERP-Chem coordinated by Paris-Sud University, France. I got a double master degree from University of Genoa, Italy and Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland under SERP-Chem Program. During my master thesis, I worked on Photo-stability and Photo-sensitizing Properties of Sunscreens Ingredients. Then I started working at National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Pakistan as a Lecturer.
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