Marian Tumanyan
Project Manager and Doctoral Researcher
Arts-based research, psychology, pedagogy, children, wellbeing, forced migration
Kasvatuksen arvot, aatteet ja yhteiskunnalliset kontekstit
Kasvatustieteiden ja psykologian tiedekunta
Globaalikasvatus ja sukupuolentutkimus
Kasvatustieteiden ja psykologian tiedekunta

My educational background is in pedagogy and psychology, and I have always had an interest in arts. My doctoral research explores how arts-based methods can be used when working with children on sensitive topics. Many times, it’s difficult to express traumatic events through words or talk about taboo issues. I am exploring how arts come in the place where words are insufficient, and how each component in the artmaking process matters. I use participatory arts-based activities to collect data with children. I have done arts-based projects with children in Finland and in Armenia.
Education and arts are my passions, so I aim to impact children’s and education specialists’ lives by my research.
- Arts-based research
- Education
- Psychology
- Sensitive topics
- Children
- Forced migration
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