Call for Summer Trainees & Scholarships, Summer 2022

The Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is built on world-class research in machine vision, biomedical engineering, intelligent information analysis, information security and ubiquitous Internet. The research is carried out in three groups: Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group (BISG), Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis (CMVS), which is composed of two research groups: Machine Vision Group and Physiological Signal Analysis Group, and the Center for Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP).

CSE offers both summer training positions and scholarships for summer trainees to conduct the Advanced Practical Training (syventävä harjoittelu) for two months in the CSE research groups.

The training can be allocated for June-August period based on agreement with a training topic supervisor. The scholarship for trainees is 1500 €.

The scholarships are intended for M.Sc.(eng.) students of the University of Oulu enrolled in:

a) Computer Science and Engineering 5-year programme or

b) Computer Science and Engineering national and international master’s programmes or

c) Biomedical Engineering: Signal and Image Processing international master’s programme

To be eligible to apply, all applicants must satisfy the following conditions:

1. The applicant must have finished her/his Bachelor’s degree at the time of applying.

2. The applicant has not received any support for practical training from university of Oulu or ITEE before.

Before applying for the scholarship applicants are expected to acquire topic/task and supervisor for the practical training from one of the research groups of CSE. After that, along with the e-mail application applicants are expected to send the following documents: i) application letter; ii) CV and iii) the latest transcript of records. In the informal application letter, the applicant has to provide the name of the supervisor and briefly the topic/task of the practical training. If the student gets a position with monthly salary for completing the practical training after receiving the scholarship, the training scholarship is cancelled and it should be returned.

Applications with attached documents have to be submitted electronically by 13 June, 2022 at 14:00 to Anabela Berenguer's e-mail address: When sending documents in pdf-form as e-mail attachments, please name them as follows: Application_familyname_firstname, CV_familyname_firstname, Transcript_familyname_firstname.

The decisions will be made soon after the submission deadline, in June, and the work can be started after the decisions. The grant will be paid once the practical work has started. At the end of training period, the student has to submit an acceptable training report to his/her training supervisor in order to get 3 ECTS credits for 521013A Advanced Practical Training course or 5 ECTS credits for 521027S Advanced Practical Training.

Disclaimer: Exception to the decision timeline may apply, at the research units’ own discretion. In addition, each research unit reserves the right to define the final number of scholarships awarded according to the yearly available budget, and other foreseen and/or unforeseen circumstances, as applicable.

For more information please contact

Viimeksi päivitetty: 17.5.2022