Elective Courses in English, Academic Year 2021-2022

The unit of English offers a range of elective courses which vary on a yearly basis. See below the list of elective courses in 2021-2022.

Intermediate studies

Autumn 2021

682383A Conversation Analysis

682384A Digital Humanities

682389A The Fundamentals of Poetry

682392A Introduction to Irish Studies

682394A Translating into English

682395A Translating into Finnish

682443A Psychoanalysis and Literature

Spring 2022

682353A Language and Learning

682386A Language Variation and Sociolinguistics

682391A Critical Study of Cultural Practices

682395A Translating into Finnish

682434A English as a lingua franca

682445A Unwritten history: the Celtic Fringe

Advanced studies

Autumn 2021

682359S Poetry of Nation and Identity

682362S Language and Language Editing

682369S Approaches to Cultural Interaction

682370S The Modern Language Teacher

682404S North American History

682406S Political Developments in the United Kingdom

682414S Content Writing for the Games Industry

682437S The study of professional discourse

682439S Intermedial Experience of Horror I

Spring 2022

682362S Language and Language Editing

682371S The Troubles in Northern Ireland

682400S Interaction and Multimodality

682405S British Cultural Icons

682417S Middle English: Literature, Language and History

682438S Current topics in teaching English

682440S Intermedial Experience of Horror II

Viimeksi päivitetty: 4.8.2021