North2north vaihtohaku Kanadaan auki 18.1-6.2.2023!

Haku north2north vaihtoon Kanadaan on auki 6. helmikuuta 2023 (kello 23:59) asti.

University of the Arcticin north2north-vaihtoverkoston haku on auki! Haku north2north vaihtoon Kanadaan on auki 6. helmikuuta 2023 (kello 23:59) asti. Haettavissa olevat kohteet lukuvuodelle 2023-24 ovat:

University of Saskatchewan, Kanada (1 paikka)

Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada (1 paikka)

Vaihdon ajankohta on joko syyslukukausi 2023 tai kevätlukukausi 2024. Oulun yliopistosta opiskelija voidaan valita yhteen vaihto-ohjelmaan vain kerran.

Haku tapahtuu Oulun ylioiston SoleMOVE hakujärjestelmässä. Opiskelijat kirjautuvat SoleMOVEen yliopiston tunnuksilla. Myöhässä tulleita hakemuksia ei oteta huomioon. Tarkemmat hakuohjeet löydät alta (englanniksi).

Infotilaisuus north2north-hausta


Requirements and guidelines on how to apply

Call for applications is open for all students studying for their Bachelor or Master’s degree at the University of Oulu. Note that the available destination universities may not have studies for all fields. Check restrictions of courses for exchange students also from the host university website. Students are expected to get full recognition for the studies completed during exchange. Therefore it is important to make sure that the host university where you want to apply organizes courses relevant to your degree at the University of Oulu.

A minimum of 3.0 GPA is required from all applicants.

Applicants must have completed at least approx. 45cr of studies at the University of Oulu at the time of application. Master’s level students: please present your Bachelor degree transcript in the application if you have not completed your Bachelor degree at University of Oulu.

You can apply to both of the institutions with one application.

Language requirements for selected students may differ according to exchange destination. North2north coordinator will give you information about possible need for language tests after you have been selected.

Required application enclosures

Required attachments that are to be either scanned and/or uploaded in the system. Only Word or pdf formats are accepted:

1. Study Plan: (scanned document)

Make a study plan for all your choices. Familiarise yourself with the host university’s study guide(s) on their website. If no study guides are available for the desired exchange period, please finalise your study plan according to ongoing semester. Select approximately five courses for your study plan and list them all in one A4 sheet (name, code and description of the course). Ask your Faculty International Coordinator, study adviser, amanuensis or professor to check, approve and sign your study plan. The person signing your study plan should be someone responsible for giving a statement of recognition of studies abroad. All studies completed during the exchange are to be recognised towards your degree at the University of Oulu.

2. Transcript of Records: (scanned document)

an official Transcript of Records in English which shows the average grade of your studies. You need an average grade of 3.0 or higher in order to be selected. The transcript with an average grade is available from Peppi and you can download the transcript yourself. Login into Peppi and download your transcript from Atomi.

3. Upper secondary school certificate or equivalent (scanned document) which shows the student’s English language grade

English language skills are evaluated through a language certificate. Attach a upper secondary school certificate (lukion päättötodistus) or other official language certificate. If you feel the upper secondary school certificate does not reflect your current language skills make sure you attach another language certificate in addition to the upper secondary school certificate, for example one provided by our University’s languages and communication unit. Note that all documents need to be in one file, preferably in pdf-format.

4. Motivation Letter in English

In the motivation letter you must state why you want to study abroad and how you think the studies in the chosen destination(s) will advance your personal career or study plan. You should also reflect these to the aims of the north2north programme. You can find more specific instructions here:

Maximum length: 400 words. You can find a lot of guidelines on how to write a Motivation letter on the internet. The letter is to be addressed to University of Oulu exchange team.

Selection process

Exchange student selections are made based on

Interviews may also be held for the applicants, depending on the amount of applicants. If held, the information you give there will also affect the decision.

Cancellations in previous Calls for Applications may weaken the possibilities in the application process. Selections are made by the north2north-coordinator of University of Oulu together with members from International Mobility Services team and faculties. All applicants are informed about the selections latest by Monday, February 20th.

When a selected candidate has confirmed his/her/their selection in SoleMOVE, the application process continues according to host universities’ application process. The final decision is always made by the host university. If a candidate from the University of Oulu withdraws from the host university’s application process without a good reason (medical reasons or equivalent), Academic affairs charges a Cancellation Fee of 200 €.

Academic Affairs reserves the right to changes.

Viimeksi päivitetty: 18.1.2023