Tutustu japanilaisiin opiskelijoihin ja Japanin kulttuuriin!

Oletko kiinnostunut oppimaan lisää Japanista? Hae vapaaehtoiseksi tämän vuoden Oulu Online Collaboration -ohjelmaan: viikon mittaisessa virtuaaliprojektissa keskitytään japanilaisten ja suomalaisten opiskelijoiden kulttuurienväliseen vuoropuheluun.

Lue lisää englanniksi Yokohama National Universityn järjestämästä ohjelmasta:

The program takes place March 20th - 24th 2023, from 8:00-11:30 and is organized by the European Branch Office of the Yokohama National University and coordinated by the University of Oulu.

The online program will be a great opportunity to learn about Japan, to get an authentic impression of Japanese culture and society and to make new friends from Japan. You will not only learn about each other’s countries, but also have a chance to reflect on your own culture and background through discussions with other participants. During the program we will focus on topics such as education, history and cultural differences and will be joined by guest lecturers from both countries.

Your tasks and responsibility will include:

    • It’s a five-day program and you’re always welcome to join us, but for us it’s especially important to have you on board on 20.3, 22.3 and 23.3. On these days we will be discussing cultural similarities and differences between Finland and Japan together.
    • To help you get the most out of the program, we will organize a small meeting where we introduce our goals and ideas of the program and give you an opportunity to share your interests and expectations.
    • Active participation in the group works and discussions
    • Facilitate group discussion/group activity

Participation is completely voluntary. At the end of the program, all participants will receive a digital badge for their participation. For those who are interested, there will also be possibilities to for all of us to stay in touch after the program as well.

Please sign up here by 28.2: https://forms.office.com/e/ckJRJJ96F3

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us ynu-oulu-staff@ynu.ac.jp. We’re looking forward to your participation!

Viimeksi päivitetty: 13.2.2023