Uusi kurssi: Introduction to Interdisciplinarity - ilmoittautuminen on auki

How can researchers help in solving complex, global, even wicked problems?
How can you increase the impact of your research?
How can you secure funding for your research in the ever more competitive R&I environment?

Simply put with interdisciplinary research.

Interdisciplinarity is a growing trend in research, and it is increasingly emphasized in the terms for funding. However, it is not an easy area to master. Therefore, we wish to help researchers gain the knowledge and skills needed to conduct successful interdisciplinary research with our new course:

Introduction to Interdisciplinarity (2 ECTS)

By taking this course you will learn about interdisciplinarity from experienced researchers: the course has introductory video lectures from Professor Netta Iivari, Professor Petri Ahokangas, Postdoctoral Researcher Ulla Timlin, and Assistant Professor Kirsi Cheas, the President of Finterdis, the Finnish Interdisciplinary Society. They will cover important areas such as applying funding for interdisciplinary research and interdisciplinary career and networks.

In addition, you will get to practice skills needed in interdisciplinary research by creating an interdisciplinary research idea with your peers during facilitated meetings. You will get experience in planning how to conduct successful interdisciplinary research, and most importantly you will form networks with likeminded scholars.


  • What: Introduction to Interdisciplinarity, a new course for doctoral researchers
  • When: 31.10.-14.12.2022
  • Where: Self-study remotely in Moodle 31.10.-15.11., and group work in face-to-face meetings 15.11.-14.12.
  • Enrollment in Peppi and further information in study guide.

In any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the course’s responsible person Heidi Peuraniemi.

Viimeksi päivitetty: 23.9.2022