Neurotiedeteknologioiden hyödyntäminen yrittäjyystutkimuksessa
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Väitöksen aihe
Neurotiedeteknologioiden hyödyntäminen yrittäjyystutkimuksessa
Tohtori Victor Perez
Tiedekunta ja yksikkö
Oulun yliopiston tutkijakoulu, Teknillinen tiedekunta, Teollisuustekniikka ja hallinta
professori Risto Rajala, Aalto yliopisto
Professori Harri Haapasalo, Tuotantotalous
Neuroteknologiat muokkaavat tapaa, jolla yrittäjyyttä tutkitaan, opetetaan ja harjoitetaan
Since its inception, the field of entrepreneurship has faced a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Traditionally, the research on entrepreneurship has been based on exploring the past of entrepreneurial practice. However, due to the rapid advancement of neuro-technologies, it is now possible to assess the entrepreneurial brain in real time.
This dissertation contends that the incorporation of appropriate and non-invasive neurotechnologies is highly required because they are the only ones capable of collecting and analysing data directly from the entrepreneurs' brains. Using a multidisciplinary approach, the dissertation reveals a comprehensive methodological framework that allows for the neuroscientific evaluation of a suitable research topic, identifies a set of neuroscience-based technologies suitable for entrepreneurship research, and elucidates the experimental principles to be considered.
Furthermore, the dissertation illustrates how two powerful techniques, electro-encephalography and event-related potential, can be used to better understand the relationship between emotions and decision-making. It is anticipated that the incorporation of neuroscience technologies into entrepreneurship will help alleviate the current methodological limitations that have impeded the field's progress.
The study's theoretical and practical implications will help people who study and teach about entrepreneurship, as well as entrepreneurs, teachers, students, and policymakers.
This dissertation contends that the incorporation of appropriate and non-invasive neurotechnologies is highly required because they are the only ones capable of collecting and analysing data directly from the entrepreneurs' brains. Using a multidisciplinary approach, the dissertation reveals a comprehensive methodological framework that allows for the neuroscientific evaluation of a suitable research topic, identifies a set of neuroscience-based technologies suitable for entrepreneurship research, and elucidates the experimental principles to be considered.
Furthermore, the dissertation illustrates how two powerful techniques, electro-encephalography and event-related potential, can be used to better understand the relationship between emotions and decision-making. It is anticipated that the incorporation of neuroscience technologies into entrepreneurship will help alleviate the current methodological limitations that have impeded the field's progress.
The study's theoretical and practical implications will help people who study and teach about entrepreneurship, as well as entrepreneurs, teachers, students, and policymakers.
Viimeksi päivitetty: 1.3.2023