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Goth, C.K., Tuhkanen, H.E., Khan, H., Lackman, J.J., Wang, S., Narimatsu, Y., Hansen, L.H., Overall, C.M., Clausen, H., Schjoldager, K.T., Petäjä-Repo, U.E. (2017) Site-specific O-glycosylation by polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2 (GalNAc-transferase T2) co-regulates β1-adrenergic receptor N-terminal cleavage. J. Biol. Chem. 292:4714 - 4726 Abstract
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Morello, J-.P., Salahpour, A., Laperrière, A., Bernier, V., Arthus, M-.F., Lonergan, M., Petäjä-Repo, U.E., Angers, S., Morin, D., Bichet, D.G. and Bouvier, M. (2000) Pharmacological chaperones rescue cell-surface expression and function of misfolded V2 vasopressin receptor mutants. J. Clin Invest. 105: 887 - 895 Abstract