Our overall aim is to investigate mechanisms that regulate GPCR expression at the biosynthetic level.
We are focusing on the following questions:
- Is inefficient folding and processing a general way to regulate receptor expression?
- How do endoplasmic reticulum quality control components assist in receptor folding and direct misfolded receptors for degradation?
- How general is the concept of pharmacological chaperone action among GPCR ligands?
- Is turnover of cell surface receptors regulated by alternative means, like constitutive targeting to lysosomal degradation or cell surface proteolysis?
Project will provide new insights into mechanisms involved in GPCR biosynthesis. It may open possibilities to design novel ways to elicit and control receptor trafficking and/or residence time at the cell surface.
Research relates to several important clinical conditions, such as cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, as well as pain management.