Arctic AI Day 2024

Arctic AI Day 2024 - Towards Transparent AI is organized by Infotech Oulu, Profi7 Hybrid Intelligence, Profi6 6GESS, and BusinessOulu. The event showcases the wide spectrum of AI research undertaken across various research themes and faculties at the University of Oulu.

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Hotelli Lasaretti, Kasarmintie 13b, 90130 Oulu



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Arctic AI Day 2024 - Towards Transparent AI

Welcome to the third Arctic AI Days organized at Lasaretti on 19th November, 2024 in conjunction with the ACM 14th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT2024)!

This year, the theme of Arctic AI days is Towards Transparent AI - artificial intelligence systems that are designed and developed in such a way that their processes, decisions, and underlying mechanisms are understandable and explainable to humans. More trustworthy, accountable, and ethically sound solutions can be designed by allowing users, regulators, and stakeholders to clearly see and understand how decisions are made.

Join us at Arctic AI Day 2024 to share your innovative research and collaborate towards building a future with transparent and trustworthy AI! See the submission information below.


8:30-9:00 Coffee and registration

9:00-9:05 Welcome & Opening the event

9:05-10:00 Keynote

Teemu Vidgren, Microsoft Finland: AI Building Genuine Competitiveness for Businesses

10:00-11:30 Session 1

Associate Professor Juho Kannala: Geometric computer vision for augmented reality and autonomous systems

Adjunct Professor Karin Väyrynen: The European AI Act and compliance concerns for organizations under the open texture of law

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-13:30 Keynote

Associate Professor Myrthe Tielman, Delft University of Technology: Appropriate mutual trust in human-AI interaction

13:30-15:00 Session 2

Assistant Professor Haoyu Chen: Towards Hybrid Intelligence: AI-based Perception, Cognition and Synthesis

Doctoral researcher Prasasthy Balasubramanian: How generative AI changed Conversational Agents?

15:00-15:30 Coffee break

15:30-17:00 Panel

Chair: Adjunct Professor Marja Matinmikko-Blue

Panelists: Myrthe Tielman, Olli Silvén, Panos Kostakos, Teemu Vidgren

18:30–20:00 Evening event at the Oulu City Hall

City hall reception together with the IoT2024


Please note that if you have already registered for the IoT 2024 workshop day, you do not need to register for the Arctic AI Day.

Register for the event here.

Please register by November 3rd. Registration includes complimentary coffee breaks and lunch. The event is free for participants, but registration is needed to join as there are limited places available.

Submission Information

In this year’s event, as before, it is possible for our university researchers and students to present your research work as posters and demonstrations. The presentations can include ongoing work or already published results. The topics can cover, but are not limited to:

  1. development of AI methods for your own research,
  2. applying AI methods in your own research,
  3. research ideas to start discussion, such as, recognizing data sources that could be useful to model phenomena of interest or
  4. propose your own topic!
Submission Guidelines:

To participate, you need to prepare a 2-page poster paper and a poster for the event. The 2-page poster papers will be published on the Arctic AI website for the conference visitor’s view.

  • Paper submission: Papers should present the original ideas and will be peer reviewed by the organization committee of Arctic AI days. The papers can be up to 2 pages in double column format.
  • Paper templates: Use IEEE Bare Demo Template for Conferences. Please find the LateX and Word templates from IEEE website IEEE - Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.
  • Poster Format: Posters should be visually engaging, clearly presenting your research objectives, methodologies, and outcomes. Please use the University of Oulu poster template.
  • Submission Deadline: 27.10.2024 for the papers
  • Notification of Acceptance: 31.10.2024

Submission Process: Send the pdf version of the 2-pager of your poster by 27 October, 2024 here.

After acceptance: Register for the event here.

The posters and demos are presented free of charge. Every unit is responsible for their own printing costs. There is no participation fee, but every person attending the event needs to register.

Course Credits

If you’re a student (of any level), you can gain 2 credits from the event. Please note that the credits are not available if you have the credits from the previous Arctic AI Days events.

To perform this course, participate in the Arctic AI Days and return a report to the course instructor ( The report is evaluated as lessons learned and based on the thoughts and ideas you got during the event.

The report structure should be the following:

  • Summary of at least three talks you found engaging and your thoughts based on the research questions presented
  • Describe three posters or demos you visited and why you found them engaging or interesting. Please note that if you presented a poster or demo by yourself, there is no need to write this part of the report. Please indicate your poster/demo name in your submission.
  • In conclusion, what are your lessons learned and future research or project ideas? How can you utilize your learning in your professional career? Critical thinking is encouraged.

The report is supposed to be four pages long (two pages if the student presented their poster/demo) and returned in a PDF format. The course is graded pass/fail.

More information

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the event coordinator Kati Kantonen:

Viimeksi päivitetty: 27.9.2024