Data privacy notice for applicant marketing activities

University of Oulu collects and handles the personal data of students and staff when they are participating in applicant marketing activities. In this data privacy notice, we explain how we handle your personal data and what rights you have to pertaining to your personal data.

Data privacy notice

Data controller

University of Oulu

Pentti Kaiterankatu 1

P. O. Box 8000, 90014 OULU

Unit in charge of the processing:

University of Oulu, Communications, marketing and public affairs

Communications Director Marja Jokinen, e-mail address: viestinta(at)

Contact person for more information

Marketing designer Karoliina Kekki, etunimi.sukunimi(at)

University Data Protection Officer: dpo(at)

Purpose of processing personal data and legal basis for processing personal data

Your personal data is used to manage the University of Oulu applicant marketing activities. We use your data to manage and develop the functions as organising the call for applications and activities, and to maintain the relationship after you completed the tasks. We use your data to process payments, for communications and marketing, and to manage events. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is legitimate interest as we cannot organise applicant marketing activities without collecting personal data.

Regular sources of data

You fill in or provide us with the data yourself, we receive the data from a University of Oulu staff member or another student or from a third party as ordered by our unit such as a photographer or a journalist.

Personal data to be processed

We process for example the following data:

  • first name,
  • last name,
  • student ID number,
  • Finnish ID number,
  • email address,
  • phone number,
  • information on studies and previous studies,
  • motivation to participate in the activities,
  • attendance in activities.

When travelling is required, data on the means of transportation or accommodation may be collected.

To process payments, we handle

  • hours and dates for the tasks you have completed.

Your data is processed to manage personal data and contact information, applications, registrations, to organise training sessions and handle participation, for event management, to manage travel arrangements and payments, and to compile statistics and develop activities.

Recipients or categories of recipients of personal data

Your personal data is processed by University of Oulu staff members or persons assigned by the University of Oulu involved in organising the activities. Data can be passed on internally at the University of Oulu. Personal data can be handled by system and service providers authorised by the University of Oulu. Personal data is protected from unauthorised processing by user authentication. Data processors (e.g. information systems providers) have access to the systems for maintenance. Data may be passed on to students, staff and trainers involved in marketing activities who can be from outside the University of Oulu.

Personal data shall not be passed on to third parties not mentioned in this notice.

Data transfers

If the personal data needs to be transferred outside of EU/EEA member states and the transfer would not be under Commission adequacy decision, such transfer will only be conducted in accordance with the rules of Chapter V of the GDPR.

Data storage time

Personal data will be stored for the time being until the university decides, storing is no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing or you require for it to be deleted. Legislations and guidelines of the University of Oulu may determine the retention time of personal data.

Data subject rights

You have the following rights as a data subject:

  • Right to access your data
  • Right to have inaccurate data corrected (make sure to keep your contact information up to date)
  • In certain situations, the right to have data erased ("right to be forgotten")
  • In certain situations, the right to restriction of processing
  • In certain situations, the right to object to processing
  • In certain situations, the right to have data transferred from one system to another if the processing is based on consent or agreement and is performed automatically.

Please note that the applicability and scope of your above-mentioned rights will be specified on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, depending on e.g. the grounds for processing the data, and that you do not have the above-mentioned rights in all cases.

If you have any questions about your rights, you can communicate with the University's Data Privacy Officer or the contact person of the responsible unit.

If you want to use the above-mentioned rights, please send a request to the University’s registry office: kirjaamo(at), where you will get the necessary additional instructions.

Right of appeal to the supervisory authority

In addition to the rights mentioned above, you have the right to file a complaint about the processing of your personal data with the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman as the supervisory authority. The contact details and opening hours can be found on the website of the Data Protection Ombudsman.

Obligation to provide the personal data

You have no statutory, contractual or any other obligation to provide us with your personal data.

No automated decision-making or processing the personal data for other purposes

We will not use your personal data for automated decision-making or for any other purposes than mentioned in this document.

General description of the technical and organisational protection measures

The University as the Data Controller uses appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against damage or loss of personal data.