Completing studies
Personal Study Plan - PSP
A personal study plan (PSP) based on the student´s degree programme curriculum is a plan that students inspect and edit for themselves. It contains the contents, extent and duration of their studies.
Recognition of learning
Recognition of learning refers to set practices that can be used to assess the learning of the student and to approve that learning as part of the student’s studies.
There are four types of exam practices at the University of Oulu: Exam taken during a course (lecture exam), E-exam, Remote Invigilated Distance Exams and Moodle exam.
An official digital transcript is available in Peppi for University of Oulu students. The transcript in Peppi is an official printable transcript of the University of Oulu.
Minor studies
Minor studies may be compulsory in or you can study the minor as part of elective studies.
Study Guides
The Study guides include information on degrees, curriculums, study units and current academic year's course timetables.
Languages and Communication
Studying languages is part of your degree and an investment in the future. We offer language courses to the degree students of the University of Oulu in all faculties.
Cross-institutional study
As a student at the University of Oulu, you can supplement your studies by selecting courses from other universities.
Student Feedback
The University of Oulu collects feedback to develop and evaluate the quality of study and teaching and services related to them.
Open University
The Open University provides the chance to study regardless of your age or prior education. You may complete basic and intermediate studies as well as language and communication studies.
University of Oulu Summer Studies
University of Oulu offers studies from various fields of study during summer. You can study single courses or study modules and include completed studies in your degree.
Information skills training
The information skills training and courses included in your studies are organized by the library.