FibroHealth Symposium 2023 on Fibrobesity

Event information
Wed 13.12.2023 12:00 - 20:00
Venue location
Hotel Lasaretti Aurora-Hall, Kasarmintie 13b, 90130 Oulu
No attendance fee. Late-bird registration is open until December 4 using this registration form.
Session 1
12.00 - 12.05: Welcoming words
Associate Professor Reetta Hinttala, Fibrobesity Leader, University of Oulu
12.05 - 12.50: Circadian biology and extracellular matrix homeostasis in ageing and fibrosis
Professor Qing-Jun Meng, Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research Manchester, UK
12.50 - 13.35: Short talks by Fibrobesity funded postdoctoral researchers, University of Oulu
- Effect of forced exercise and time-restricted feeding on metabolic markers and circadian rhythm in mice fed with high-fat diet, PhD Ghulam Shere Raza
- Ubiquitin specific peptidase USP10 in Fibrobesity, PhD Kateryna Kubaichuk
- Human white subcutaneous adipocyte spheroids – a physiologically relevant in vitro model to study omics and intercellular communication, PhD Juulia Lautaoja-Kivipelto
13.35 - 14.00: Coffee Break
Session 2
14.00 - 14.45: Severe obesity is a chronic disease - Long-term outcomes of metabolic bariatric surgery for severe obesity
Professor Paulina Salminen, University of Turku
14.45 - 15.05: Gut microbiota after gastric bypass surgery
Senior Research Fellow Justus Reunanen, University of Oulu
15.05 - 15.15: Short 10-min break
15.15 - 15.35: Recent advances in obesity medications
Professor Janne Hukkanen, University of Oulu
15.35 - 15.55: Fibrosis and obesity in sudden cardiac death
MD, PhD Lauri Holmström, University of Oulu
15.55 – 16.00: Concluding words & future perspectives
Professor Juhani Junttila, Fibrobesity Vice-Leader, University of Oulu
16 - 20: Non-stop FibroHealth research slide show, Casual Dinner, and Networking
Contact for inquiries: Fibrobesity coordinator Ritva Saastamoinen,, tel. +358 294 48 5226, +358 50 592 3333