Oulu Mining School Gala Week and Oulu Mining Summit 2024

Oulu Mining School celebrates 10 years! For the honor of successful mining field research and education, we arrange Oulu Mining School Gala Week and as part of that the traditional Oulu Mining Summit conference 2024!
Oulu Mining Summit 5 Sponsorships

Event information


Mon 16.09.2024 15:00 - Fri 20.09.2024 14:00

Venue location

Saalasti hall, University of Oulu & Online



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Register to the Oulu Mining Summit conference until 11.9.2024 here

Oulu Mining School (OMS), a research unit operating at the Faculty of Technology, integrates scientific disciplines along the value chain from exploration to mining and mineral processing.

Significance of research and education in mining and exploration has been emphasized during recent years due to the openings of new mines and increased production of minerals and metals. OMS gathers core disciplines of mining value chain at the geosciences, geophysics, mining engineering and mineral processing sectors. The unit provides the only mining engineering program in Finland, and has an unique mini-scale mineral processing factory in their premises.

For the celebration of 10 years of successful mining field research and education given, we arrange an Oulu Mining School Gala Week! Please, get familiar with the program of the entire Gala Week further below.

Oulu Mining Summit conference, 19.-20.9.2024

The central part of the of the Gala Week is an international Oulu Mining Summit conference, organized ninth time. The aim of the summit is to build a joint platform for mining companies, universities, research institutes, consulting companies and other mining-related enterprises

The theme of the event is Impact, networking and training – Increasing cooperation in the extractive sector in Eastern and Northern Finland. Particular focus is on national minerals strategy work and RDI activities.

Main language of the event is Finnish. Some speeches are held in English.


Thursday 19.9.2024



Avaus ja tervetulotoivotus / Opening and welcome
Prof. Saija Luukkanen, Head of the Oulu Mining School

Tervehdys Oulun yliopistolta / Greetings from the University of Oulu
Prof. Antti Niemi, Dean, Faculty of Technology

Oulu Mining School 10 vuotta / Oulu Mining School 10 years
Prof. Juha-Pekka Lunkka and Prof. Saija Luukkanen, Oulu Mining School

SESSION 1: Kansallinen Mineraalistrategia / National Mineral Strategy

Accelerating international collaboration (tentative)
Daniel Cios, Policy Officer, EC DG Grow

OECD: Mining regions and cities initiative: Finnish findings
Andres Sanabria, Policy Analyst, OECD

Tämän ajan mineraalipolitiikka
Pekka Suomela, Toiminnanjohtaja, Teknologiateollisuus

10.30–11.00 Coffee break

Mining Finland - Smart solutions for the whole value chain
Lasse Moilanen, CEO, Mining Finland

Mineraalistrategia maakunnan näkökulmasta
Tiina Rajala, Kehitysjohtaja, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto

Verkostot yhteistyönmahdollistajana
Jari Joutsenvaara, Projektipäälikkö, Oulun yliopisto, Kerttu Saalasti instituutti

12.00-13.30 Lunch

SESSIO 2: Yritystoiminta ja sen mahdollisuudet / Entrepreneurship and its opportunities

BusinessFinlandin mahdollisuudet yrityksille ja tutkimukselle
Maarit Kokko, Chief Funding Advisor, Business Finland

BusinessOulu: Kaivannaisalan mahdollisuuksista yrityksille
Olli Löytynoja, BusinessOulu

BusinessJoensuu: Kaivannaisalan mahdollisuuksista yrityksille
Mervi Kontturi, Key Account Manager, BusinessJoensuu

Sponsor speech: Sustainable mining with Metso
Ville Keikkala, Site Account Manager, Metso Finland Oy

Sponsor speech: MinExTarget Oy
Ville Anttila, CEO, CRS Laboratories Oy

14.55–15.15 Coffee break

Miten mineraalien kasvavaan tarpeeseen vastataan alueellisella, kansallisella ja eurooppalaisella tasolla?
Kimmo Tiilikainen, Pääjohtaja, GTK

CRMA ja strategisista projekteista
Toni Rönnberg, Baltic Sea & North Regional Director, EIT RawMaterials

Sponsor speech: LIBS Based Drillcore Scanning Technology and its Benefits for Exploration and Mining
Hanna Junttila, Business Development Manager, Lumo Analytics Oy

3AWater kehityshistoria
Tuomo Nissinen, CEO, 3AWater Oy

18.00–19.00 Cocktail event, Saalasti Hall

19.00–22.00 Gala Dinner, Saalasti Hall (dress code smart casual)

Friday 20.9.2024

SESSION 3: TKI-toiminta Itä- ja Pohjois-Suomessa / RDI activities in Eastern and Northern Finland

Oulun yliopiston TKI-toiminta kaivannaisalan tutkimuksen ja kehityksen tukena
Emma Pirilä, Johtaja, Tutkimus- ja projektipalvelut, Oulun yliopisto

EU-rahoitteinen projektitoiminta geologisen tutkimuksen tukena
Juha Kaija, Erikoisasiantuntija, GTK

Droonipohjaiset geofysikaaliset mittaukset
Ari Saarteenoja, Toimitusjohtaja, Radai Oy

10.00–10.30 Coffee break

KAKE - Kaivannaisalan kehittäminen Lapin, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ja Kainuun alueilla
Aleksi Salo, Account Manager, GTK

Lapland Mining Hub - Yhteistyö ja innovaatiot kestävän kaivannaisalan tukena
Ida Paaso, Projektipäällikkö, Lapin liitto

Yhteisrahoitteiset projektit malminetsinnän tukena
Janne Kinnunen, Senior Project Geologist, Mawson Gold Ltd

11.30–12.30 Lunch

SESSION 4: Koulutus / Education

Visio kaivannaisalan yhteistyöstä Pohjois-Suomessa
Antti Peronius, Kullankaivaja ja Geologi, Projektipäällikkö, Lapin koulutuskeskus REDU

Lapin AMK koulutuksen ja tutkimuksen kehittäjänä
Jukka Joutsenvaara, Erityisasiantuntija, Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu

OAMK:n panostus- ja koulutusmahdollisuudet
Rauno Toppila, Kehittämispäällikkö, Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu

Kajaanin AMK koulutuksen ja tutkimuksen kehittäjänä
Petri Koponen, Yliopettaja, Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu

Oulu Mining School opetuksen tulevaisuus
Tiina Eskola, Yliopiston lehtori, Oulu Mining School

Summitin päättäminen / Closing the event

Register to the Oulu Mining Summit conference until 11.9.2024 here

List of speakers (under update)

Kimmo Tiilikainen, Director, GTK
Hanna Junttila, Business Development Manager, Lumo Analytics Oy
Prof. Juha-Pekka Lunkka, Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu
Juha Kaija, Specialist, GTK
Prof. Saija Luukkanen, Director, Oulu Mining School, Univerity of Oulu
Tiina Rajala, Development Director, Council of Oulu Region
Prof. Antti Niemi, Dean, Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu
Maarit Kokko, Business Finland
Antti Peronius, Geologist, Sodankylä
Lasse Moilanen, CEO, Mining Finland
Janne Kinnunen, Senior Project Geologist, Mawson Gold Ltd
Toni Rönnberg, Baltic Sea & North Regional Director, EIT RawMaterials
Andres Sanabria, Policy Analyst, OECD
Ville Keikkala, Site Acccount Manager, Metso Finland Oy
Mervi Kontturi, Key Account Manager, Business Joensuu
Rauno Toppila, Development Manager, Oamk
Aleksi Salo, Account Manager, GTK
Daniel Cios, EC DG Grow
Ari Saarteenoja, Radai Ltd
Ida Paaso, Lapland Mining Hub
Tiina Eskola, Yliopiston lehtori, Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu
Petri Koponen, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences
Jari Joutsenvaara, Project manager, Oulu Mining School, Kerttu Saalasti institute
Pekka Suomela, Teknologiateollisuus
Ville Anttila, CEO, CRS Laboratories Oy
Jukka Joutsenvaara, Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Emma Pirilä, Director, Research and Project Services, University of Oulu
Olli Löytynoja, BusinessOulu

Registration fees of Oulu Mining Summit

- Two day program of the conference (incl. coffee, lunches) 19.-20.9, Cocktail event and Gala Dinner 19.9.2024: 150 €
- Cocktail event and Gala Dinner 19.9.2024: 75 €

- Two-day program of the conference (incl. coffee, lunches) 19.-20.9, Cocktail event and Gala Dinner 19.9.2024: 75 €
- Cocktail event and Gala Dinner 19.9.2024: 40 €

- We offer several opportunities for sponsoring the event, please read more here

The program of the Oulu Mining School Gala Week, 16.-20.9.2024

Mon 16.9 at 15.00-17.00
Studia Generalia Seminar: Critical Raw Materials
Associate Professor Rodrigo Serna, Aalto University (~15-16)
Jukka-Pekka Ranta, Oulu Mining School (~16-17)
(open for all, no fee, no registration)
via Teams, join the seminar here

Tue 17.9 at 15.00-17.00
Studia Generalia Seminar: Social Licence to Operate
Saara Österberg, University of Eastern Finland
Leena Suopajärvi, University of Lapland
(open for all, no fee, no registration)
via Teams, join the seminar here

Wed 18.9 at 14.00-17.00
Open Doors and Tour at Oulu Mining School
Contact person Markku Seitsaari, (p. 050 313 5822)
(open for all, no fee, no registration)
Tours start on the hour, at 14, at 15 and at 16
Place: Oulu Mining School-unit, Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 1, Linnanmaa campus, University of Oulu, V-door

Thu 19.9 at 9.00-16.00
Oulu Mining Summit conference 2024, Saalasti Hall
(open for all, fee, registration until 11.9.2024, link above)
Place: Saalasti Hall, Pentti Kaiterankatu 1, Linnanmaa campus, University of Oulu

Thu 19.9 at 18.00-19.00
Cocktail event, Saalasti Hall
(open for all, fee, registration until 11.9.2024, link above)
Place: Saalasti Hall, Pentti Kaiterankatu 1, Linnanmaa campus, University of Oulu

Thu 19.9 at 19.00-22.00
Gala Week Dinner, Saalasti Hall
(open for all, fee, registration until 11.9.2024, link above)
Place: Saalasti Hall, Pentti Kaiterankatu 1, Linnanmaa campus, University of Oulu

Fri 20.9 at 9.00-14.00
Oulu Mining Summit conference 2024, Saalasti Hall
(open for all, fee, registration until 11.9.2024, link above)
Place: Saalasti Hall, Pentti Kaiterankatu 1, Linnanmaa campus, University of Oulu


Additional info

Prof. Saija Luukkanen
Head of Oulu Mining School

Prof. Pertti Sarala
Oulu Mining School

Researcher Jari Joutsenvaara
Oulu Mining School

Dr. Anu Sirviö
Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu

Sponsors of the event

Lumo Analytics Oy
Metso Finland Oy
IMDEX Limited
CRS Laboratories Oy
GTK Geological Survey of Finland

Last updated: 20.9.2024