news 19.02.2024 Mapping of geodiversity is insufficient – New methods for assessing landscape and even continental scale geodiversity remind us of the importance of non-living diversity for nature and societies
news 19.02.2024 Teacher education collaboration: Reflecting the journey as the final GINTL year begins
news 16.02.2024 The effects of the Aurora Borealis are reflected in Finland's winter temperatures and electricity consumption – the polar vortex is breaking up again
news 14.02.2024 LocalTapiola donates a professorship of preventive medicine to the University of Oulu
news 13.02.2024 Leea Putula is the new vice chair and Minna Isomursu the professor member of the Collegium
news 13.02.2024 Call for proposals 1/2024 for International co-operation in the field of Arctic research
news 12.02.2024 Strengthening the future of smart rural areas through the SMART ERA Horizon Europe project
news 12.02.2024 Call for a postdoctoral researcher: Novel data-driven approaches to the treatment of overweight, obesity, and other lifestyle-associated health conditions
news 09.02.2024 FRONT collaboration with BIMTECH in India Rethinking the Future for Sustainable Tourism and Resilient Communities
news 09.02.2024 Scientific library for everyone – new blog series on accessibility on the library's blog