Academic Affairs services hours during summer 2021

Please see the list of summer services hours for Academic Affairs.

Academic Affairs Service Teams serve for the present online (email) and via phone. Phone service of the study affairs at the Linnanmaa campus is closed July 19–30. Please notice that due to summer break there will be delays in answering the messages. In addition to this, there are restrictions in the accessibility of the service team especially in July.

Shared Service Teams:

• Admissions Services is open normally during summer

• Open University Services ( are closed 5.7.-30.7.

• International Mobility Services ( are closed 5.-30.7.

• Oodi support ( is closed 7.-30.7

• OSAT system support is closed 1.7-3.8. Support is provided by Academic Affairs Service Teams. Support with login problems is offered by ICT (

• Peppi system support ( is closed 1.-30.7.

• E-exam support ( and e-exam rooms are closed 12.-31.7. In July there might also be other restrictions in individual examrooms opening hours.

• EduStore system support ( is closed 1.7.-3.8.

• Timetabling work support ( is closed 1.-30.7.

• Teaching Services ( are closed 5.7.-31.7.2021

• Moodle support ( is closed 8.-31.7.2021

• Digipedagogical support for teaching is closed 5.-31.7.2021

• Palaute/Feedback system support ( is closed 5.-31.7.2021

• Counselling Services for Students (study psychologists, and study and career counselling) are closed 1.6.-3.8.2021

Last updated: 4.6.2021