Use of Laturi and effects on graduation during system downtime.

With the discontinuation of the student and study information register Oodi and transition to use Peppi -system have effects on thesis process and graduation. The current Laturi system for the submission of electronic theses will also be discontinued and replaced with a completely new Laturi, which will cover the entire thesis process. During October and November for five weeks the Oodi and Peppi systems are down. During this time the staff of the academic service points are not able to handle any study or presence information. Here are things to consider due to downtime.

New Laturi will open at the end of November – effects of system downtime

Due to the implementation of the new system Laturi will be out of use 11 October – 21 November, during which time submission, approval and publishing of theses will not be possible. Please note the following effects of the system downtime:

  • all approval markings for theses already in Laturi must be submitted to an Academic Affairs service point by 10 October for recording into Oodi.
  • all theses approved by 10 October will be published in Jultika within one week. This requires that the reviewers and approvers have downloaded the thesis for assessment from Laturi before its approval.
  • once the system downtime is over, all thesis processes that were not completed in the old system must be restarted in the new Laturi. No information from the old system is transferred into the new Laturi.

The thesis supervision, review and approval process takes place manually:

  • the student sends her/his completed thesis by e-mail to the supervisors for review
  • plagiarism detection takes place in Moodle using Turnitin system
  • the student gives his/her consent for the publication of the thesis on a separate form, which is attached as an appendix to the thesis
  • once the system downtime is over, student must start the thesis process in new Laturi. The approved thesis goes through the Laturi-process and after that will be published in University of Oulu repository Jultika.
  • approved theses of students who graduated during the system downtime (= student account is no longer valid) will be manually transferred to the University of Oulu repository Jultika.

More detailed information about the introduction of the new Laturi and instructions for its use will be published later this autumn.

Graduation during October and November

If you are graduating between 1.10.2021-30.11.2021, graduation is possible, of course, but you will not receive the certificate until November-December. The graduation date will be the last day of the month in which you have completed all your studies and submitted your diploma request. In some faculties / In FHum, FEdu and OBS there is extra graduation date in November. Please, check the graduation info of your own faculty:

Interim certificate of completion of the degree

Students graduating in October may, for compelling reasons, be granted a interim certificate. If you need one, you must submit the following documents to your faculty’s service teams:

  • transcript of records
  • presence information during academic year 2021 – 2022

This information is available on My Studyinfo/ Upload your completed study and presence information and email them to your faculty’s service teams

Last updated: 28.9.2021