What you can do if you face discrimination or bullying at the University of Oulu? 

At the University of Oulu everyone has the right to feel respected and appreciated by others. Everyone has the right to study and work in a safe environment. Appropriate, good behavior is required from all members of the university and the University of Oulu does not accept any kind of inappropriate treatment, bullying or sexual or gender-related harassment. Everyone has responsibility to prevent bullying and harassment.

We have the jointly agreed procedure for dealing with inappropriate behavior, and if you face any bullying or harassment you can report it via electronic form. After that, you will get support for processing the situation. Reporting does immediately result in the complaint being processed, but it will proceed as you wish.

More information and the report form can be found here

For more information about the procedure, you can turn to your own faculty’s Service Manager for Academic Affairs or Sanna Kangasniemi, Specialist in Social Affairs at the Student Union OYY.

If you need instant counselling, you can turn to for example Mieli ry and Nyyti ry. You can find a comprehensive list of support services on OYY's website.

Let’s make UniOulu equal for everyone, together!

University of Oulu & Student Union of the University of Oulu


Last updated: 16.11.2021