Marketing Materials

When you go on exchange to one of our various partner universities to explore, you can open a door for others to learn more about Finland and Oulu - nightless nights in the summer and northern lights in the winter darkness, ice hole swimming, Polar Bear Pitching and Air Guitar Championships. Take a chance and grab the possibilities to join different marketing events at your host university!

Outgoing exchange students

The form of possible events varies depending on the country and university. Most typical are so called Study Abroad Fairs and Finland days. Your duty is to represent University of Oulu as an attractive place to study. If the university does not arrange a separate marketing event, you need to be active. Be innovative and find out ways how to attract students to come and study in Oulu. Throw a Finland party or arrange a Finnish film evening! Participate in local events, throw yourself in and simply talk about Finland and Oulu!

Remember, your effort is a very important part of bilateral student exchange because only truly bilateral exchange will guarantee long lasting exchange partnerships.


Here you can find our print material for marketing events. Please send us mail a month prior to the event in order to receive the material in time


Guide for Exchange Studies -booklet (Pdf-document).