CWC-Radio Technologies

CWC - Radio Technologies (CWC-RT) trains world-class graduates, conducts world-wide renowned research and creates new technology in cooperation with the most significant R&D organizations and industry in the field of wireless communications.


CWC-RT’s 150 experts in wireless communications aim at solving the major technological challenges related to global digitalization, 5G, 6G and the emergence of the Internet of Everything (IoE) as a productive member of the global scientific and innovation community.


Communications Engineering is taught in the Finnish speaking degree programme for Electrical Engineering as well as in the English speaking master's programme Wireless Communications Engineering (WCE).


If you are interested in cooperation related to education or research of wireless communications, please contact Research Group Leader Prof Markku Juntti.

Visiting Address

Centre for Wireless Communications

Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 3, 4. Floor

University of Oulu, Linnanmaa

90570 Oulu