Apply for Erasmus+ exchange
The application period has now ended. All applicants will be notified about the results during March.
Next application round for Erasmus+ exchanges for Spring term 2026 will be organised in September.
You can find the materials from the 28.1. Erasmus+ info here. (Please note that you will need to be signed in with your UniOulu account.)
There are Erasmus+ exchange destinations in the EU and ETA countries, as well as in Türkiye.
The Erasmus+ agreements are field specific, meaning they concern either a field of studies or Faculty or Degree Programme. Please check your faculty's destinations and more specific instructions by choosing your degree programme in the green "For You" box at the bottom of the page.
When applying for exchange destinations in Europe, you will get help from your faculty/degree programme international faculty coordinator.
Application process for Erasmus+ exchanges goes as follows:
1) First you apply for exchange by filling in an electronic application form on SoleMOVE portal.
You will need the following attachments:
- Transcript of Records, with your credit average. You can download the transcript in Peppi-Atomi.
A preliminary study plan to all your exchange destinations. In this phase, the study plan is still preliminary because typically the course selection for the next academic year is yet not published. Plan your studies based on the existing information, e.g. previous year's study guide. You can use this Preliminary Study Plan template to preliminary plan your studies. If your faculty international coordinator has instructed you to use another template, please follow those instructions.
2) Once your SoleMOVE application has been accepted and you have been nominated to go on exchange by the University of Oulu, you must make a separate application to your host university. You will get instructions to this from your faculty's international coordinator.
3) You receive instructions in your email concerning the Online Learning Agreement. Learning Agreement is used to officially plan your studies at the host university. Your host university accepts the Learning Agreement and will ask to make changes, if necessary, for example if a study component is not available.
4) Once your application for exchange, as well as your Learning agreement are accepted, follow your host university's instructions and confirm your exchange. Read all information provided by your host institution carefully through.
There are two application rounds for Erasmus+ exchanges annually.
The first call for applications is organised on Feb 1 - 28 for Autumn and Spring term exchanges of the next Academic Year.
- The second call is organised on Sept 15 - 30 for Spring term exchanges for destinations which are left from the first call for applications.
Erasmus+ grant is based on the following parts:
- Monthly/daily grant
- Travel grant
- Daily grant for travel days
- Erasmus+ top-up and fewer opportunities extra grants
Monthly and daily grants
Erasmus + Grants are categorised according to the duration of the exchange and the host country's expected living expenses. For a full month (eg. 15.9. - 14.10.) a student receives a payment of either Group 1 or Group 2 per month, depending on the category. For the exceeding days a student receives a daily grant according to the Group 1 and Group 2 daily amounts.
Category 1:
540 eur per month and for the exceeding days 18 euros per day in the following countries:
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.
Category 2:
490 eur per month and for the exceeding days 13,66 euros per day in the following countries:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Türkiye.
Switzerland does not participate in the Erasmus+ programme, but students will receive an equal grant from the Swiss government. This will be paid by the receiving institution.
Travel grant
As of Academic Year 2024-25 students participating an Erasmus+ exchange will also receive a travel grant. The amount of the travel grant depends on the distance between the University of Oulu and host university's main campus. The distance is calculated as straight line distance between the cities ("bee line"), and possible stopovers will not be included.
Distance | Travel grant | Green travel grant |
10 – 99 km | 28 € | 56 € |
100 – 499 km | 211 € | 285 € |
500 – 1999 km | 309 € | 417 € |
2000 – 2999 km | 395 € | 535 € |
3000 – 3999 km | 580 € | 785 € |
4000 – 7999 km | 1188 € | 1188 € |
>8000 km | 1735 € | 1735 € |
Erasmus+ grants are paid in two instalments. The first instalment will be paid according the planned duration of your exchange: you will receive approximately 80% of the estimated grant sum prior to your exchange start date. In the second instalment your final grant sum (20%) will be re-checked to match the realised exchange duration eligible for funding.
Erasmus+ programme encourages students to choose a low-carbon footprint way of travelling. If you travel to your exchange destination by land (train, bus, car-pooling, bicycle), you are eligible in green travel top-up. In addition, you will get daily travel grant up to six travel days. Check the green travel sums in the chart above.
Erasmus+ programme supports students with fewer opportunities to participate in study exchange.
Fewer opportunities top-up: a fixed top-up of 250€/month
E.g. students who are guardians of underage children will receive a monthly top-up. Your family does not need to travel with you in order to get the top-up.
Special needs and inclusion grant
The sum of the Special needs and inclusion grant is based on the realised expenses. You may apply for the grant if the exchange study arrangements cause you health-wise some extra costs, which cannot be covered by the regular Erasmus+ grant. The final decision about the grant is made by the Finnish National Education Agency (Opetushallitus).
If you need special arrangements because of disability or an illness, please start preparing your exchange well in advance. The availability of special arrangements at the host destination must be checked beforehand, so please start by contacting International Mobility Services. Please do not share your personal health information over an email, but leave a contact request. We will contact you and fix a personal counselling hour.
For you
Faculty of Science
Contact information: Faculty international coordinator for Faculty of Science is Ms Maria Juntunen. You can contact her via email:
Application Process
There are two application rounds for Erasmus+ exchanges. The first application round is on Spring term between the 1st of February and 28th of February. All degree students of the Faculty of Science can apply for Erasmus+ Exchanges to European partner universities on academic year, Autumn term or Spring term. Second application round is on Autumn term between the 15th of September and 30th of September. All degree students of the Faculty of Science can apply for Erasmus+ Exchanges on the Spring term. Only those destinations will be open on the second application round that have places left from the first application round.
1st phase: SoleMOVE application
- The list of available exchange destinations can be found from the SoleMOVE. Please note that the destinations available in each application round may vary annually. If you need more information, please contact the faculty international coordinator (
- Submit the online application through the SoleMOVE application system.
- You are able to list max 3 possible choices to your application. Please list the host universities in order of preference.
- Please attach a preliminary study plan (Learning agreement) for the first destination. You can use this document template. The study plan should include courses worth of 30 credits from your own study field. The study plan needs to be approved by the education designer from your own study field (Physics, Mathematics, Biology or Geography). In case the host university has not provided an updated course information for the following academic year, please contact the university and ask for an updated course list.
- Please attach also a transcript of records in English that shows the average grade of your studies in your application. You can upload the transcript of records from Atomi service in Peppi.
- Please note that Incomplete and/or late applications will not be processed.
Selection criteria
- When leaving to the exchange, the student must have minimum of 60 credits completed. Please notice that when applying the student can have less credits.
- Language skills: B2 level in English language and (if applicable) B1 in other languages is required.
2nd phase: Application to the host university
- After being accepted in SoleMOVE students are required to confirm (or cancel) their exchange.
- Student is responsible for submitting the application according to the host universities' application procedures and deadlines. Host universities' application deadlines and instructions vary, so please check the instructions well in advance.
- Most universities require a proof of language skills. A language certificate can be obtained from University's Language and Communication services.
- Please note that the final decision is always made by the host university.
Faculty of Medicine
All exchange destinations for the Faculty of Medicine can be found in SoleMove by searching for your own degree programme.
Additional information is provided by the international coordinators in each degree programme.
Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
All degree students of the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular medicine can apply for a student exchange. This means that they can study a part of their degree in a partner university abroad. The length of the exchange is usually 1 or 2 terms after completing the first study year. The recommended time during Bachelor studies is the spring of third academic year and during Master’s studies the first autumn semester. Before applying for an exchange, it is essential to discuss your study progress and your study plan with your faculty international coordinator Jari Heikkinen. Student has to compile a study plan, in which it is agreed how the accomplished studies are accepted to the degree.
Erasmus exchange is coordinated by the Faculty. The University of Oulu International Services coordinate exchange programmes outside Europe. Please note that application period and deadline of Erasmus is different from the non-European ones.
Application Process
There are two steps for applying for Erasmus+ exchanges. First you will have to apply by submitting your application through the SoleMOVE application system. After your SoleMOVE application has been accepted and you have been selected for an Erasmus+ exchange from the University of Oulu, you will need to apply to the host institution according to their guidelines.
1st phase: SoleMOVE application
- Contact the Faculty International Coordinator (Jari Heikkinen)
- Select the country, university and date of exchange from the available exchange destinations
- Make an appointment with the Faculty International Coordinator (Jari Heikkinen)
- Make a preliminary study plan; choose courses of about 30 credits/semester
- Fill out the electronic SoleMOVE application and send it for processing
2nd phase: Application to the host university
- If your application is accepted in Solemove and you confirm the exchange, the coordinator will send your information (nominate you) to the target university
- After receiving the acceptance message sent to you by the target university and the instructions for registration, act promptly.
- Before leaving for the exchange, take the OLS language test for the future language of study, to which you will receive a link from Solemove.
Erasmus application period for student exchange is open 1.-28.2.2025. If You are interested to apply for autmn term 2025 or spring term 2026 please contact Jari Heikkinen or fill the application in SOLEMOVE:
Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine has an Erasmus agreement with the following European universities and study exhange places available for study year 2025/26.
University College Cork, Cork, IRELAND, 2 students total 20 months (BSc)
- Courses: chose module either Microbiology, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Genetics or Biotechnology
University of Kent, Canterbury, UNITED KINGDOM, 4 students total 20 months (BSc)
- Erasmus and exchanges
- Courses
- In spite of BREXIT student exchange to Kent during study year 2024-25 will work normally as ERASMUS exchange.
Ruhr University Bochum, GERMANY, 2 students total 10 months (BSc, MSc)
- Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- BSc courses in English: none. Bachelor students from Oulu allowed to take MSc courses
- MSc courses in English: all
University of Würzburg, GERMANY, 4 students, total 40 months (BSc, MSc, Doctoral)
- Exchange students
- BSc courses in English: no
- MSc courses in English: courses will be given in English if international student attends.
- Course catalog
Universität Leipzig, GERMANY, 2 students, each 6 months (MSc)
- Exchange Students at Leipzig University
- BSc courses in English: no
- MSc courses in English: some (most courses will be given in English if international student attends)
Universität Wien, AUSTRIA, 2 students, total 12 months (BSc, MSc),
- BSc courses in English: some
- MSc courses in English: many
- list of programmes & courses in Course Directory/ Directorate of studies 30 biology and 31 Molecular Biology.
Charles University, Praha, CZECH REPUBLIC 2 students total 10 months (BSc, MSc)
- Faculty of Science, Department of Genetics and Microbiology
- BSc/MSc courses in English: very many
Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, FRANCE 2 students total 10 months (BSc, MSc)
- BSc courses in English: BSc in Biochemistry 70% of courses in English
- MSc courses in English: All (Biology-Biochemistry-Chemistry)
Koç University, Istanbul, TURKEY, 2 students each 5 months (BSc, MSc)
- BSc courses in English: all
- MSc courses in English: all
- Molecular Biology and Genetics program
Oulu Business School
Oulu Business School has about 60 Erasmus Destinations in Europe. There are two application rounds every year, one in February and another one in September.
University of Oulu Business School Erasmus and NOREK Exchanges
Erasmus Programme offers all Oulu Business Degree Students an opportunity to spend an exchange semester in another European Business School. Only Oulu Business School students can apply to our specific Erasmus destinations.
OBS students can also go on exchange to another Nordic destination via NOREK programme. The NOREK destinations are open at the same time with Erasmus destinations.
Recognition of Studies is done in Peppi. Instructions for Recognition of Studies.
Exchange period in Bachelor Level of Studies
For Bachelors the recommended exchange period is 3rd year Autumn Term. This is the period when students do Global Perspectives module during exchange. The module includes 25 ECTS credits of freely chosen courses, out of which 15 credits need to be business studies and 10 credits can be other studies, eg languages (not hobby related studies).
It is not recommended to postpone the exchange period to Spring Semester as this may delay graduation.
The exchange period can be done in the Spring Semester if the studies have been done in a mode that gives the student the opportunity to change the PSP and there are suitable courses available in the exchange destination. This must be negotiated with Tuija Lämsä, who is the responsible person in Bachelor Studies.
The Recognition of Studies is done in Peppi, See Hyväksilukeminen Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulussa.
Master level Exchange Criteria
Master level students applying on exchange need to have a Bachelor Degree and they need to do a Learning Agreement (Study Plan) that includes Master Level studies to be included in their specific Master Programme, The study plan has to be approved by the responsible person (Economics Sanna Huikari, Marketing Hanna Komulainen, Accounting Alexandra Middleton, Finance Petri Sahlström, International Business Management Sari Laari-Salmela) or the overall Master Programmes responsible person Marika Iivari.
Recognition of Studies is done in Peppi. Instructions for Recognition of Studies.
Oulu Business School Exchange Coordinator
Erasmus and NOREK Exchanges in Oulu Business School are coordinated by Education Designer Elisa Mejías, email: / Tel. +358294485867.
If you are interested in Destinations Outside Europe, please contact:
Next Erasmus and NOREK Application round is open during February 1-28, 2025
Erasmus and NOREK application round for Academic Year 2025-2026 opens on Feb 1, 2025 and closes at midnight on Feb 28, 2025. The applications are done in SoleMOVE and the email to be used is address.
Slides from OBS Erasmus+ info 7.2.2024 (ppt)
In the link below there is a list of destinations that are open.
Erasmus+ destinations for Academic Year 2025-2026 (excel)
Application instructions
Make only one SoleMOVE application and add a maximum of three destinations in it.
Make a study plan to all destinations and have it approved by the responsible person in your Master Degree Programme. Add it in the Enclosures tab.
Upload a Transcript from Peppi that shows your average grade. It can be found in E-documents tab. Add it to your application in the Enclosures tab.
The list of NOREK destinations can be found below.
Part of the exchanges are currently funded by Erasmus grants (marked as ERASMUS).
The rest of the destinations are funded by NOREK grants (marked as NOREK).
Please note the list below.
- Stockholm Business School ERASMUS
- Umeå University ERASMUS
- Linköping university ERASMUS
- University of Gothenburg ERASMUS
- Syddansk universitet ERASMUS
- BI Norwegian Business School NOREK
- NHH Bergen NOREK
- NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ERASMUS
- University of Bergen ERASMUS
- Reykjavik University ERASMUS
- University of Iceland ERASMUS
Erasmus and NOREK Application Process
1st phase: SoleMOVE application
- The applications are submitted in SoleMOVE. The SoleMOVE application is the first phase of selection, in which OBS assigns the applicant a host university according to the availability of choices listed in the application. Late applications will not be considered.
- Important: when filling in the application, choose Oulu Business School as “home institution”. Do not choose University of Oulu as "home institution" or leave this section blank!
- List max 3 possible choices in order of preference.
- Attach a preliminary study plan (total of 25-30 credits) to each destination (in one document) and a transcript that shows the average grade of your studies in your application. The transcript can be obtained from Peppi.
- Erasmus Learning Agreement is a preliminary list of courses that you plan to take during your exchange. It must include courses worth a total of 25-30 credits and the courses need to be matching with the courses that are required by your degree programme in Oulu Business School. The plan needs to be approved by the person in charge of your Master Programme (see list above). In case the host university has not provided updated course information for the following academic year, please use the available course catalogue. The final Learning Agreement can be updated later.
Selection criteria
- To get accepted into the exchange programme, student's average grade in all studies must be 3.00 (Good).
- A preliminary Erasmus Learning Agreement of 25-30 credits on each destination.
- Language skills: B2 level in English language and (if applicable) B1 in other languages is required.
2nd phase: Application to the host university
- After being accepted in SoleMOVE students are required to confirm their exchange. Oulu Business School Coordinator is responsible for instructing the student on how to do the application to their allocated host university. After that the student is responsible for submitting the application according to the host universities' application procedures and deadlines.
- Host universities' application deadlines and instructions vary, so please check the instructions well in advance (links to host universities' websites can be found below). Please note that most universities require a proof of language skills. A language certificate can be obtained from University's Language and Communication services.
Faculty of Education and Psychology
FEP exchange coordinator
Need help with your application? - International Coordinator for FEP: Aino Öster (substituting Karri Hurskainen)
Erasmus+ application round, February 2025 (autumn 2025 and spring 2026 exchanges)
You can find a list of FEP Exchange Destinations in Europe here (updated 30.1.2025)
- The list has some suggestions for which fields are available in each destination. Always check the destination directly for more information
- The list is updated if changes occur - always check which destinations are open for application from SoleMove during the application period.
- FEP exchange info slides include instructions on what to consider when choosing your exhange destination (see slides below)
An exchange info for Faculty of Education and Psychology students was organized 30.1.2025
- slides from the info: FEP Erasmus+ exchange info, 1/2025
- Read the slides carefully!
- A preliminary study plan is required for Erasmus+ exchange application.
- Study plan template for FEP students (download the Word document)
- See instructions for filling out the study plan in FEP exchange info slides (see above)
- Note! The study plan must be approved by international coordinator/Degree programme director, so make the plan well in advance before the application round ends!
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of ITEE Erasmus+ ja NORDTEK -exchanges
All students from the Faculty of ITEE can apply to go on Erasmus+ exchange. Nordtek exchanges are for Computer Science Engineering and Electrical Engineering students.
The International Coordinator for the Faculty of ITEE is Maiju Ainesmaa-Gabelle. Please contact her in any exchange-related matters.
Contact information:, Phone. +358 50 567 8610
Erasmus +
The Faculty of ITEE degree programme students can go on Erasmus+ exchange to destinations with which the Faculty of ITEE has an Inter Institutional Agreement. Students are eligible to apply for Erasmus+ grants. In addition, it is possible to apply once for an additional 500 euro grant from the Faculty of ITEE. You can find the Erasmus+ exchange destinations from SoleMOVE (Choose institution > Exchange destinations Abroad and feedback). If you have any questions regarding the destinations, please don't hesitate to contact the Faculty International Coordinator.
Application process
There are two application periods per academic year for Erasmus+ and NORDTEK-exchanges. The main application period is organised in February for Autumn term and full academic year exchanges. The second application period is organised in September for Spring term exchanges for destinations which are left from the first call for applications. This means that all of the destinations may not be available during the autumn application period.
Step 1: Choosing a destination
Familiarise yourself with the exchange destinations that are available for students from the Faculty of ITEE in SoleMOVE or from the Moodle Guide for Outgoing Exchange students (Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering). The course key to access the folder for the first time is Exchange23. Many of the exchange agreements with partners of the Faculty of ITEE are faculty level agreements but due to course selections at the destination institution, some destinations may only be available for students from specific degree programmes.
Please note that not all destinations are open during every application round if the available placements are already full. The list of open destinations is published at the beginning of each application round.
If you have any questions about the destinations or the application process, it is advisable that you book a meeting with the Faculty International Coordinator. You can request a meeting by sending an email to
Step 2: Preliminary study plan
A preliminary study plan is a compulsory part of the exchange student application. The student needs to fill out the study plan and then have it checked and approved by their Degree Programme Director. The preliminary study plan must include the course that are planned to be studied during the exchange as well the information of how the courses will be included into the degree (recognition of learning). For more instructions on how to fill out the preliminary study plan, please see the preliminary study plan pdf below.
For a list of courses available for exchange students please see the website of each of the destinations.
Once the student has filled out the preliminary study plan according to the instructions, it must be sent to the Degree Programme Director for checking and signing. The preliminary study plan must be sent to the Degree Programme Director no later than one week before the end of the exchange application round.
A preliminary study plan which is not signed by the Degree Programme Director cannot be used to apply for exchange. Solemove applications that do not have a signed preliminary study plan attached, will not be processed.
You can download your preliminary study plan from here: Preliminary study plan for exchange studies Faculty of ITEE.pdf
Step 3: SoleMOVE -application
- Students make an application online in SoleMOVE. Students can apply to 1-3 destinations in their applications.
- Students need to attach a transcript of records in English with grade averages. Students download their transcripts from the Atomi Service in Peppi.
- Students need to attach a signed preliminary study plan to their application
Application criteria:
- at least 1 year (60 ECTS) of completed studies
- at least B2 language level for English and B1 for other languages. There may be destination specific rules for language levels so please check the information from the destination institution’s website.
- The recommended time for going exchange varies depending on whether the students is doing a Bachelor's or a Master's degree so please contact your Faculty International Coordinator if you are not sure when an exchange would be possible for you.
Step 4: Applying to the destination
When a student’s application for exchange has been accepted in Solemove by the University of Oulu, the student must confirm or cancel the destination in Solemove.
After this the Faculty International Coordinator will nominate the student to the destination university as an official applicant. The student should then receive an email from the destination university with instructions on how to apply and what attachments are necessary.
The student is responsible for making the application to the exchange destination and the obtaining all necessary attachments (ie. language test) for the application. Please note that most destinations require a proof of English language. For more information about obtaining a language certificate please see The Language Tests and the Language Certificate webpage maintained by the University of Oulu Languages and Communication Unit.
Application periods and methods vary between universities. Please check the relevant information directly from the website of the destination university. Most universities have online application platforms.
For Information on Nordtek exchanges please contact the NORDTEK coordinator Marita Puikkonen:
Faculty of Technology
Follow the general instructions above.
Faculty of Humanities
Follow the general instructions above.
Biomedical Engineering MHSc
For further information kindly contact exchange coordinator of the programme Heta Helakari (heta.helakari(at) You can schedule a meeting time with her via email.
Health Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Medical and Wellness Technology
For further information kindly contact exchange coordinator of the programme Heta Helakari (heta.helakari(at) You can schedule a meeting time with her via email.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Physical Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training, FSci
Follow the general instructions above.
Computational biology and data-analysis
Follow the general instructions above.
Mathematical Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Process and Environmental Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Industrial Engineering and Management
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training, Chemistry
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Mining engineering and mineral processing
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Mechanical Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Civil Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training, FHum
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Information Studies
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Cultural Anthropology
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
German language and culture
Follow the general instructions above.
Swedish Language
Follow the general instructions above.
Finnish Language
Follow the general instructions above.
Saami Culture
Follow the general instructions above.
Science Communication, MA
Follow the general instructions above.
Saami Language
Follow the general instructions above.
History of Sciences and Ideas
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training
Follow the general instructions above.
Learning Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Primary Teacher Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Learning, Education and Technology
Follow the general instructions above.
Music Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Special Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Intercultural Teacher Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Early Childhood Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Education Science and Educational Psychology
Follow the general instructions above.
Education and Globalisation
Follow the general instructions above.
Business Analytics MSc (Tech)
Follow the general instructions above.
Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics
Follow the general instructions above.
Electronics and Communications Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Biomedical Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Information Processing Science
Follow the general instructions above.
Computer Science and Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Economics and Business Administration BSc
Follow the general instructions above.
International Business Management (BSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
International Business Management (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Financial and Management Accounting (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Business Analytics (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Marketing (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Finance (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Economics (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Economics and Business Administration MSc
Follow the general instructions above.
Erasmus+ in social media
#ErasmusPlus #ErasmusPlusFI #ILoveErasmusPlus