Hybrid modelling for improved permafrost risk assessments

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Multiple sources (Spearhead projects of centres for multidisciplinary research)
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
The Arctic is undergoing unprecedented changes, with permafrost thaw as one of the most striking examples. Permafrost is critical because it controls landscape processes and human activities in the north. The HYPERISK project addresses research challenges highlighted in the recent IPCC reports. Using geospatial data-based statistical analysis, we produce high-resolution permafrost projections, identify critical permafrost hazards, and quantify infrastructure risks across the circumpolar permafrost area. The site of research is Geography Research Unit. Our ground-breaking approach is to apply multidisciplinary methods to assess the impacts of near-future climate change on permafrost, environment and human activities. The results have theoretical and applied implications and considerable societal significance. The project has the potential to provide benchmark results for the effects of global warming on the permafrost systems, natural hazards and infrastructure risks.
The Physical Geography Research Group (PGRG) led by Professor Jan Hjort contributes to cutting-edge global change research by focusing on a wide range of complementing study questions related to abiotic and biotic earth surface systems (https://www.oulu.fi/geography/node/57510). Studies are especially devoted to the Arctic and boreal environments.