Minna Uitto
PhD, Docent
Teacher education, school and society
Faculty of Education and Psychology

Minna Uitto is a professor of subject teacher education in the University of Oulu. She is also a docent (educational sciences, especially teacher research) in the University of Jyväskylä. She has wide experience in teacher research. Her research interests include relationality and emotions in teachers' work, micropolitics in schools, and narrativity. Currently, she is the principal investigator of Unpacking and redefining changing relationships in teachers' work (RELA)-research project (2020-2024) funded by the Research Council of Finland. The project focuses on unpacking and redefining what changing working conditions mean for teachers' relationships in their work. She is also the principal investigator of Pre-service teachers navigate teachers' changing work and its relationality (NAVI)-research project (2022-2025) funded by Eudaimonia institute (University of Oulu). The project focuses on how pre-service teachers make sense of the changes in teachers' work and the relationality within. Her previous research has dealt with the emotional dimension in beginning teachers’ stories about their work and teacher-student relationships based on students’ memories of their own teachers.
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